II |Paint Bombs and an Angry Sensei

{F/n} had decided that he wanted to do an extra prank. It was going to take two days for the plan to work. Luckily, the mastermind had come up with a perfect plan that was 73% sure of success.

He started to scribble down the plan and ideas, into his black notebook. A pleasant blank expression was shown on his face, since he was in English class and didn't want to look obvious. Besides, everyone was jotting down notes, into their own notebooks, so nobody would stop to think that he was planning something.

Just when he finished and looked over his newest prank the bell rang. Most of the students got up and packed away their stuff. The male smirked and glanced at his watch, looking at the time, seeing that the school day was finally over and he could go get the materials needed for the prank.

The second year packed his stuff away, along with taking out his phone and walked outside of the classroom. Some girls tried not to squeal as they watched him leave, while others just ignored him. {F/n} did not care either way.

As he was walking along the pathway to leave school, he noticed that the doors to the gym stood open a bit. {Fn} took a step backward and blinked slightly. Normally when he walked by the gym he would ignore it, since it always was closed. 


He hesitated in his mind, but decided to walk over there quietly and he gazed inside. The volleyball team was training again, like they always would at this time. What was so different now?

A sigh escaped his lips, as he shrugged and started to walk away again. He could mess with them some other time, maybe hide their stuff or something. Right now he had something more important to do.


Finally, the time had come to see. Two days have passed. He has planned this perfectly, this prank was going to be great and would become a legend someday.

Right now though, he was sitting in class. He wasn't listening or doing anything though. He was merely looking at his watch which read 8:44. 

One minute, a grin graced his lips as he looked over at the other students. What small, pretty things, not knowing what they're about to witness.

He looked back again at the watch, smirking to himself. 3...2...1...Bingo.


They all jumped, all except the {h/c}, who just sat on his chair quietly. The sound of glass breaking and some very 'manly' screams were heard from the floor above them.

The others were sitting there, in shock, as the teacher was about to go see what happened when the doors suddenly slammed open to a very extreme sight.

The vice principal's face was covered in red, orange, and yellow covered paint, at least that is what it looked like to the eye.  And there he was, standing in the doorway, without his wig while the hair he still had was colored with some kind of smelly white substance, that was also all over his suit.

Most were staring in shock and terror, while some tried extremely hard not to laugh and the teacher's eyes were wide, "u-umm… are you alri-"


And that is when everyone suddenly realized what happened, making them all turn around to face the male, who had his eyes closed and his arms behind his head, in a bored position, while leaning back in his chair.

The old man stomped over to him and was about to grab him, before {F/n} replied to the adult without even cracking an eye open, responding in a bored tone.

'Sensei, I don't think you'll have time to discuss this with me right now. You should probably head to the end of the corridor, before it is too late."

"What the hell do you mean by-"


The vice principal's eyes widen, before standing up and running to the end of the corridor with the teacher following suit. The other students of class 2-5 just stared at {F/n} in shock.

He opened his eyes, before standing up and grabbing his bag. The others just moved away a bit, as they watched the biggest prankster open the window. His back was turned to them as he spoke again.

"Say to them, when they come back, that I left, if you please." He then turned to face them, gave them a charming smirk, sending chills down all their spines. He then turned around again and opened the window more. "Have a nice day, everyone." He said, jumping at the window. They all could just imagine the smirk on his face as he probably winked.

Most of the students shot up from their seats and ran to the window, wondering what happened. They looked out the window only to see that their second year classmate was gone and a rope hung tightly against a pillar he'd been sitting with, and a scream sounded in the distance. 

{F/n} let out a chuckle as he hit the ground, checking the time again to see a couple of minutes had passed. He started to walk away, taking out his flip phone and dialed in a number. 

He held the phone up to his ear, as he waited for the person on the other side of the phone to pick up. Which the person finally did after a while.

"Hey there Prankster. Did you do it?"

"Mhm, it worked exactly like you said it would."

"Of course, it is my invention after all, so I should know!"

The student chuckled, a smirk was presented on his lips as he listened to his friend ramble on. He looked back, towards the school as he heard another bang come from the first year's floor.

He looked back again and interrupted the scientist in his talk. "Anyway thanks. I owe you for this."

"You better pay me back with dinner the next time you come to Yokohama." 

"Alright, alright, see ya later." The prankster replied and hung up the phone, putting it in his pocket again. 'That was going to become a mess for them to clean later,' he thought to himself and walked away from this prison… wait no… hell hole.


Takeda Ittetsu was sitting in the angry vice principal's office, feeling nervous, since the male in front of him still looked really irritated by what had happened earlier. Also the vice principal was irritated by the fact that he was unable to get the paint out and that his 'hair' was missing.

"S-so um, why did you call me here, sir?" A nervous Takeda asked, while straightening himself more in his seat. The other male in the room sighed quietly and looked at the sensei.

"Takeda-san, I need you and the volleyball team to do a big favor for me." The vice principal answered, seeing the teacher in confusion, for a bit. The vice principal pulled some papers out from under the desk and handed them over to the teacher. 

Takeda took the papers,  before opening the first page to see the picture of the most rebellious student at this school. {L/n} {Fn}.

Most of the pages had information about the student. It was mostly about what he had done in school but not as much as his personal life. But that still filled up 5 or 6 pages full of information. 

"He's going to have to join your club, seeing as no other has any space and even as much as I want to I cannot throw him out of here.  You guys are probably also the only ones that could throw some sense into that boy's head."

He looked back again to see an annoyed and serious look on the partially bald man's face, before giving a nod. "I'll do my best, sir." Takeda said, before getting sent off by the other male. Takeda sighed, thinking about how in the world he was going to tell the team this, seeing as how most would react to the second year student. Hell, some of the first years nearly fainted because of that 'prank' that was pulled earlier. 

This was going to be a long year for sure.