New neighbors

GET UP YOU BRAT" Bryan said and threw Ryan on the floor. "Hey, how can you wake someone like that? Do you want me to die? " Ryan said while rubbing his eyes. "why don't you get up on your own then huh? why do you need someone to come and wake up" Bryan said "now get fresh and come down for breakfast everyone is waiting" Saying so Bryan went outside When Ryan came down , all the family members were already seated on the dining table "Good morning everyone " Ryan said and sat on his seat in between Shawn and Amber. Amber served him food. And he happily started to devour his food. "How old are you that you can't even take your own food"Bryan said "I really think one of these days you will burn from jealousy," Ryan said while taking a big bite of his breakfast. "you!" "Shut up, both of you eat your lunch quietly, otherwise I will not give you anything to eat for the entire day," Mrs. Jones said. And both of them stopped fighting and started to eat their breakfast quietly. Shawn and Amber both smiled at their behavior. "Mam I have packed the extra soup" a maid came and said to Amber who nodded at her and then told her to go "Noona why did you pack extra soup" Ryan asked "Ryan , we have new neighbors I am going to give them some soup" Amber said "I will also come with you Noona" Ryan said and Amber nodded in agreement. Soon Ryan and Amber were standing in front of their neighbors house waiting for someone to open the door. Soon the door opened revealing a handsome young man who was slightly shorter than Ryan. Ryan thought that the man looked quite familiar. The man had a smirk on his face as soon as he saw the other two "yes , how can I help you." "Hello my Name is Amber Jones and this is my younger brother Ryan and we are your neighbors," Amber said and gave the soup container to the man. "It's nice to meet you. My name is Felix Shroff," the man said. Before anyone else could say anything another man appeared at the doorstep "who's there Felix" Ryan's eyes widen when he saw the other man and he suddenly blurted out "Kyle?, Kyle Shroff" Kyle then looked at Ryan and had somewhat same reaction as the other "Mr. Jones" "what a surprise Mr. Shroff I didn't knew that we would be neighbors" Ryan then looked at Felix who still had a smirk on his face "and you Felix Shroff you are his partner I have seen you in business meetings" "I am glad you recognised me Mr. Jones" Felix said "Mr. Jones come inside please" Kyle said and all of then went inside "Ryan how do you know Mr. Shroff" Amber asked "Noona the 'Mart-jones' corporation and the Shroff corporation opened a joint venture two years ago , me and Shawn hyung met him two years ago and since then we have been good partners and Mr. Shroff is the only person with whom we have a good friendship in business " Ryan explained and Amber nodded in agreement. "So Mr. Jones how is Mr. Shawn" Kyle asked "Mr. Shroff, since we are neighbors and also good friends, how about we drop the formalities? Please call me Ryan. Besides, I am younger than you. I don't like to be addressed formally and to answer your question, my hyung is doing just fine," Ryan said with a smile. Felix appeared with water and placed them in front of the guest " Since we moved here yesterday we don't have anything to offer you except water" Felix said and Kyle looked at the other two apologetically. "Its okay Mr. Shroff we understand" Amber said and took a sip of water and then said " since you guys just moved yesterday , why don't you guys have dinner at our house today" Kyle and Felix exchanged a look "okay" Kyle replies suddenly they heard the front door open and another handsome young lad entered the house , he looked the same age as Ryan , he was also quite shorter than Ryan. He had a poker face. The young man was so handsome that Ryan couldn't take his eyes of him , the unknown man a well built body, pale skin and his eyes were also beautiful, but the unknown man had a cold aura and he didn't even look at the guest that were present their and directly spoke to Kyle "hyung I bought all the items you told me to bring , is there anything else that you want" the man said " No, Kevin " Kyle said "by the way ,meet them they are our neighbors, Mr. Ryan and his elder sister Amber" Kevin looked at the two guest and then greeted them, and they greeted back "Ryan , Ms. Amber meet my younger brother Kevin" Kyle said This statement shocked Ryan "wow, Mr. Shroff I never knew you had a brother " Kyle smiled at the other's reaction "my brother is not a very social person , he doesn't like to interact much with others" "Brother i'll be in my room , if you want help then you can call me" Kevin said and then went to his room without even sparing a glance anyone else "Mr. Shroff, why is your brother so...." Ryan didn't know how to complete his sentence "cold?" Felix said and Ryan nodded "he is like this ever since he was born, always keeping a poker face and neither approaching anyone nor allowing anyone else to approach him, he is a rock" Felix said with a smirk. "looks like Mr. Shroff's little brother is really a well behaved person" Amber said Before Kyle could say anything else Felix spoke "oh please Ms. Jones , he is the most arrogant person in the entire world" Kyle shook his head with a sigh and said "when will you two stop behaving like this" "behaving like what?" Felix asked "behaving like kids , you two are adult now and still make me worry about you , I can't even think about leaving you two in the same room who knows what will you two do" Kyle said "simple hyung , either we will irritate each other to death, or maybe strangle each other to death" Felix said with an evil smile and this time Kyle just face palmed. Ryan and Amber chuckled at the two "don't worry Mr. Shroff you are not the only one facing this problem of two adults fighting like kids this happens every day at our home also, you will see when you come to dinner at night" " I am glad to know that there is someone else there who understands my problem," Kyle said. "okay we are leaving Mr. Shroff , it was nice meeting you" Amber said "we'll see you at the dinner tonight " Amber said and then left the house While leaving Ryan's mind was surrounded by only one person 'who are you Kevin' Ryan thought Kevin's cold personality and handsome poker face really attracted Ryan's attention the more Ryan thought the more interested he became, he really wanted to get close and know more Kevin Shroff for some odd reason. "Why do you remind me of him? Kevin," Ryan thought