Bad joke

, we went separately to avoid being noticed. Due to traffic, my taxi got there later, I was almost late.

When I entered the room, my people immediately stood around to to tell me, how good I looked, but I was looking for Dereck with my eyes. He had already laughed with the CEO and his wife in the company of a few shareholders. I was curious about this infamous woman, but I only saw her from behind. Let's say her high heels which cost about as much as my salary and was fiery red with evening rhinestones and fur…these items tell quite a lot about their owner. If we take that she was at least 18 years old whens he got married, and married 14 years ago… then he's at least 32 years old, so you can afford this style. She must be a beautiful woman, she could be a real fashion dictator, her hair was also dyed to the now trendy ash blonde.

In the meantime, the speeches began, the greetings were done, the toast was done, the president evaluated the year, and then the band marched. The workers split into two parts, one half now wanted to suck up to the bosses, and the other half now wanted to enjoy the banquet at the sight of the divine food and wines.

After word gone around about what numbers I had produced after I started to work with the company, rumors began to circulate that I had a chance as deputy director as well. This position was open for half a year because Dereck was able to cope with the other directors, or because he reserved it for me, since that way it would be the two of us several times… I don't even want to think about this version. The Christmas shop windows and advertisements were even more successful, so most of the directors suddenly wanted to be on good terms with me, so the employees were spectacularly open to me as well. Of course, my dear boyfriend made sure everyone knew Midas 'story well.


It was already 10 o'clock when it was time to introduce myself. I took out my most beautiful smile, I definitely wanted to appear in good color in front of the woman my boss looks up to so… That was the plan.

"Thomas, you already know Sophie!"

We faced two smiling people.

"Sophie, this is Vivian Skyfield, Thomas's wife!"

The smile melt away from my face, I tried to force it back, but I felt a straight line in the place of my mounth.

„ I'm very happy! I'm Vivian! I've heard a lot about you!"

All of her teeth flashed thanks to the wide smile, as she held out her hand.

My stomach jumped… This must be a bad joke, right? From the thought of having to touch this bich's hand I started to feel nauseous… Finally I gathered all my strength, and held out my hand….

"I can assure you, ma'am, that you haven't heard enough about me."

My voice was so frosty, that I was shaken by the cold, but I couldn't control myself. I squeezed her hand with all my might.

When I uttered my name, the smile disappeared from Vivian's face as well… She was so surprised that she didn't even notice that her hand was completely reddened, I squeezed so much… When I couldn't take the sight any longer, I let her hand go.

Thomas and Dereck, meanwhile, brushed off how good it was for the company that I joined and they didn't notice the awkward silence. Vivian forced the smile back on her face, and the hand into which my nails dug so hard that her bright red blood popped out, she hided it under her fur.

"If you'll excuse me."

I left them politely and windily.

I went to the toilet to wash my hands. As I let the ice-cold water into my hands, I saw the same scene in front of me all along…

„True, we haven't met in 15 years, but I haven't changed so much… I can't believe I introduced myself to my own mother! She didn't recognize me… I thought she wasn't giving a sign of life because she was secretly following our destiny and seeing that we were doing well… but no, she really just realy didn't gave a fuck about whether or not I died under a bridge…"

So far I have despised her deeply and thought there was no lower than this hatred… but there is.

The picture came together… probably the rich dick for whom she left us just wanted to fuck her… so she was forced to work in a hotel and really… this story about the drug and with reporters" I force myself on the unfortunate mourning money bag" sounds exactly like her style...

I washed my hand under the water, hoping to get rid of a feeling… shame… I felt in my bones too… I am the child of this woman if others ever finds out… I can't stay in this company any longer, my god! Only Dereck shouldn't know!

Suddenly someone turned off the water. As I looked up in the mirror I saw Vivian standing next to me. I took a step back.


She reached out to me.

„ Don't touch me, or say my name. You don't deserve it!"

„ I know you're mad at me… but believe me I did what I did for a reason!"

„Angry?! It doesn't describe what I feel about you… Okay? Reason? You mean, being a money-hungry bitch, as your reason?"

I couldn't believe I was able to attack someone so aggressively.

"Sophie, everyone has a right to happiness, and next to your father, I wasn't happy. Please don't hate us because we're divorced. Divorce is not a sin…"

"Ha… „

I smiled… I was looking for the words I could hurt her with, the 15 years of grievance I had locked in myself… but suddenly I became enlightened. This woman is a soulless monster.

"Have you tought of me, at least only once in the last 15 years?"

„ Um ...? Of course my treasure!"

"If that were the case, you would have recognized your own daughter."

I stormed out. I headed for the taxi waiting in front of the building, I didn't want to be in the same airspace with this human scum for a minute longer, but she came after me to sink even deeper. I was just reaching for the cab handle when she grabbed my arm.

"Sophie, sweetie, you're not telling anyone, are you?"


"You don't want people to think you got into the company through me, do you?"

I heard what she was saying, but I read something completely different from her focus and gaze…

'Don't you dare to screw it up for me, you little bitch!'

"Don't worry."

I jerked my hand away.

"I'm not roasting myself with you."

I got in the car and left.

I tilted my head against the window to cool down by the cold glass a bit. I was ashamed of myself… I was ashamed that I secretly hoped inside that she would come back for me one day.

That I imagined the moment a thousand times that she would appear at the gate… spread her hand and say…

'I missed you… I couldn't take it without you ... I came back for you…'

A tear rolled down my face… Thinking back about the time we spent together, she never had a good word towards me in those 9 years. She never baked a cake. She never braided my hair, or bought me anything as a gift… she never said she loved me. It was a single sentence that she folded every day…

" Everything is your fault!"

I laughed at myself… in vain… the kids are human doormats… no matter how many times you kick them, they still absolutely love their parents… But .. I'm no longer a kid.