Jiraiya stared at Naruto, he had only know Naruto for a small amount of time before he left, so they never had the chance to really bond.
Naruto was covered in blood, some fresh and others dried, and Jiraiya couldnt help but feel pity mixed with pain. This was the child of his disciple, he was supposed to take care of Naruto in Minatos place, but he was too late. The village had already treated him like trash and their was no way he couldve helped Naruto in the little time hed know him.
"I dont want to kill you." Naruto said, truth in his words, he really did not, he had no reason to.
"Well,"Jiraiya said, "I dont want to kill you either, but, seeing from the blood on your clothes youve killed a few of the villagers. And, for that, you must be punished."
Naruto thought for a moment, confused as to why Jiraiya was mad, "They were bad people, they didnt deserve to live."
Jiraiyas heart ached at his words, but, he knew that Narutos actions were wrong, no matter how badly he too wanted to hurt those people.
"You should have done that, now youre just as bad as they are." Jiraiya tried to reason with him.
"You know thats not true." Naruto stated back.
Jiraiya sighed, "The council wont see it that way."
"Thats fine," Naruto said, "the council will be dead by the time we leave."
You could see the regret on Jiraiyas face, "are we going to fight? Are you going to kill me? Do you hate me?" Naruto asked him, questioning how he wanted this to go down.
Jiraiya stared at Naruto for a second, choosing his words carefully, "I dont want to fight you, but youre done now correct? All of the people who wronged you are dead. You arent a bad person Naruto. So please, protect the innocent, do as your father would."
Narutos stood still for a while, his face contorted in agony until he suddenly dropped to his knees crying, "I dont regret it though. That makes me bad." He said, covering his face with his hands.
Despite the fact that Naruto could strike Jiraiya if he got too close, Jiraiya still went forward and squatted down to Narutos level.
"Youre not a bad person. Youre a good person that bad things happen to. You can change that, all you must do is help defend the innocent. I know its hard, and you dont see them in the best light, but understand that without you to protect them. Theyll die for no reason other than that the Akatsuki are filled with hatred."
Naruto was now crying, "I-I can be good?" He asked in disbelief.
Jiraiya nodded, placing a hand on his back, "You can. Join me."