The Invasion

Eren's POV

It has been about a week since we last saw the man in the mask of a ghost. But there were reports that there were also hooded figures in other districts of wall rose.

"The fact that there were others like the one we encountered just doesn't make sense. Who exactly are we dealing with now? A new enemy?" implied Armin.

We're on the training grounds waiting for Commander Keith's orders.

"Alright you maggots, listen up!" yelled Keith.

"Today you will be sparring as usual and then do some ODM gear drills in Trost District! So get your asses moving! NOW!" yelled Keith.

We quickly scattered throughout the training grounds pairing up with partners to spar with. I usually do it with Annie so I went to her.

We began to spar with me always ending up on the ground or in a hold.

"Damm Annie, do you not know what holding back means?" I asked.

Annie raised an eyebrow? "Seriously this shit again? Do I have to go over with this shit again?"

"Damn so cold..." I thought. "No, sorry, it just kind of hurt." I said quickly standing up not wanting to fight with her cause I knew the outcome.

Annie was just standing there expressionless, watching me dust myself off.

"Uhhh...shall we continue?" I asked.

Without saying anything she took up her stance. I rushed in and attempted to grab her but faked it. Annie fell for my trap and swiped my leg only to miss. I took that chance and tried gabbing her shoulder to hold her in a choke hold. But she quickly grabbed hold of my neck, brought me down and kneed me straight in the chest.

I fell to my knees coughing really hard.

"Shit, sorry about that." said Annie.

I was mad, but the fact that Annie apologized was the first time I ever heard Annie say something like that.

"It's cough cough fine." I said, trying to stand up but failed because of the pain. I winced as I tried to stand up, but failed. But before I collapsed onto the ground, something came under my arms and helped me up. I turned and saw Annie helping me stand up. I can feel my face burning red.

"I'll help you get to the infirmary." said Annie.


Mikasa's POV

"Defend Eren! I don't want to see a single titan near him!" yelled Ian.

Eren, who can now transform into a titan, was carrying a massive boulder towards the hole so that he can plug the hole with it.

Eren was near the hole till suddenly, something hit his leg. Eren fell but was able to throw the rock a bit forward, making a barrier in front of the hole entrance.

"EREN!" I yelled.

"Get him out of his titan form!" yelled Ian.

I did I was told too. I sliced him out of the titan, but before I can jump down to the ground I noticed something in the air. They had something swirling on top of them. There were 6 no 12 of those things in the air. Then an explosion went off, knocking me and Eren's unconscious body onto the floor.

I quickly turned around to see that the rock was destroyed and standing there in the entrance was something I have never seen before.

"What the hell is that?" asked Rico.

Annie's POV

I watched as Marco's body was slowly being picked up by a titan. I didn't want this to happen, why him, why Marco, no one hated him.

I closed my eyes tears streaming down my face as I couldn't bear to see his death. But then I heard an explosion and a crash.

I looked up to see Marco back on the roof he was looking at the titan in pure horror. I looked at the titan with pure shock and horror, never in my life was I this scared.

The titan's entire head was gone, not only the head, but also its entire chest.

I heard a loud whop whop whop. Me, Reiner and Bertholdt looked up to see a bunch of things in the air with circles on top of them. We also heard a distant explosion and saw debris fly up in the air near the hole.

"What on Earth is that thing?" asked Reiner.

"I don't know, it's definitely no Marlyean technology. That looks way too advanced." said Bertholdt.

We saw Marco trying to get into the house.

"Shit we need to stop him!" yelled Reiner.

We quickly jumped onto his building and grabbed him and dragged him back to his roof.

"Reiner don't do this!" yelled Marco.

Reiner was about to cut him, I desperately wanted to stop him. But one of the things in the air came toward us and stopped near a house. We saw ropes begin to fall down on both sides of the flying thing. Then people started to rope down onto roofs. A couple of the people saw us and began shooting at us. We all jumped into the house through a window, with Marco being carried by Reiner. Marco was confused in Reiner's action but did not question.

More gunshots were heard in the distance with cries of pain and explosions outside.

"Why are they shooting us? And who are those people?" Marco cried.

We didn't respond instead we quickly went downstairs and left the house.

"FREEZE!" yelled someone.

We all looked around noticing we just been surrounded. All of them had guns pointed at us, but the guns looked a bit more advanced then ours. We slowly put our hands up to show that we were surrendering. a couple of them grabbed our wrists and put handcuffs on us and led us towards the other side of hole.

We saw the same soldiers take down titans with ease, which shocked us all. I saw other gigantic things just rolling around with a couple of soldiers walking behind it. I turned and looked at one of the soldiers leading us. He had a rectangular badge with the colors white on top blue in the middle and red on the bottom.

"Eyes forward." he growled while pushing me.

We got to a certain point and there I saw our friends there and Eren unconscious. I saw a few others from the garrison such as Commander Pixis who was being questioned by one of the soldiers. There were others beating up random garrison members with sticks or with the end of their guns.

We were pushed down onto our knees next to our friends.

"You guys okay?" asked Connie.

"Yea, but guess what, those three tried to kill me!" yelled Marco.

Everyone looked at us, I just lowered my head looking at the floor.

"What do you mean?" asked Jean.

"Those two are titans as well just like Eren. I overheard their conversation and they left me to get eaten by a titan. Luckily one of those flying things killed them before it ate me." said Marco furiously. "I think Bertholdt's the Colossal titan and Reiner is the Armored titan!"

I didn't want to see their expressions I never wanted to.

"Shut the fuck up." growled a soldier and kicked Marco straight in the face.

Jean tried to get up but was pushed back down by another soldier.

"Who are you people?" asked Jean.

But he was ignored. Then a soldier came in who was dressed a bit differently, talking in a different language. He stopped in front of the group and cleared his throat.

"I am Commander Salazar of the Russian special force, Spetsnaz. of course you guys may have a lot of questions right now, but none will be answered." he said.

"Because you're going to die right now."

A group of soldiers slowly raised up their guns at us.

"Except for those 4 and the one that's unconscious." he said pointing at me, Reiner, Bertholdt and Ymir? What those she have to do with this?

"Those 4 are titan shifters." he continued.

I saw the angry glares and sad looks from them, but most of them looked at Ymir with pure shock.

"Ah yes, she's one of the few titans from outside the walls who ate a titan shifter allowing them to transform back into a human. And that shifter was one of your comrades, Marcel." he said.

Us three looked at him and Ymir with pure shock and confusion. Reiner was angry that Ymir was the one that at one of his friends.

"Now, kill them."

Mikasa's POV

No this can't be happening, the soldier around us slowly raised their guns, taking aim. I closed my eyes knowing that I won't be able to confess my feelings to Eren.

"I'm sorry, but at least you'll live on, Eren." I thought as tears rolled down my cheeks, gripping my scarf.

I waited for the shots to kill us, but it never came. Instead I heard shouts from the soldiers and everyone moving back towards the hole in a hurry.


"Who?" asked Armin.