War Criminal

Eren's POV

"Get ready."

I waited in the snow for at least 15 minutes, right outside the the town of Udachny, just one road across from it.

The tree line kept us hidden from enemy sight, especially with the white camo uniform. The enemy was right in front of us, most of them busy doing their own business.

"Air strike inbound eta 15 seconds." says a voice through my headset.

I cock my G36 and put on my gas mask with the others.

"Remember Commander Salazar is the objective, dead or alive it does not matter." says Ghost

I hear sirens going off in the city but then out of the sky, bombs struck the town. Balls of fire erupts into the air as the bombing kept going off. Soldiers blew up or were caught on fire all over the streets. The bombings kept coming for at least 10 seconds, until all that was left were dead soldiers or soldiers who were lucky enough to survive.

"Light em up!" yells Erwin

We all start shooting at the soldiers who were still alive or were burning to death.

"2nd squad move up. 1st squad cover." says Erwin

I move across the street and quickly take cover. Since Annie's no longer here, Ghost switched up the squads. So 2nd squad is Hange, Moblit, Levi, me, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Marco, Connie and Sasha, the rest were in 1st squad.

"Clear, move up." says Hange

We all start moving through the destruction, taking out the confused hostiles running around.

"Moving up to the building." says Erwin

We enter the building, checking the hallways and rooms swiftly, looking for any body that resembles Commander Salazar.

"We are taking heavy fire at the apartments, it's well defended and we need the armory here!" yells a Sentinel through the headset.

I hear voices coming from upstairs so I warn my squad. Levi moves to the front of the line and takes out a flash bang. He then throws it up and onto the next floor. We hear the hostiles screaming and footsteps increasing on top of us.

The flash bang explodes and we get up the stairs and took out the hostiles who were blinded.

"Contact, down the hall!" I yell

I peak behind the corner and shoot a guy who tries to frag us. The frag drops out of his hand and blows up his own comrades.

"Sweep the hallway, move and shoot!" yells Levi

I start moving down the hallway, checking each room to make sure there's no hostiles.

"Check the bodies for any sign of Salazar." says Hange through the headset.

I continue down the hallway until I came around a corner and there was a mounted 50 caliber machine gun right down the hallway.

"Oh shit!"

I jump backwards just in time before the hostile started shooting at me.

"Eren are you okay?" asks Mikasa

"Yea, but that 50 cal is well guarded we need to flank it." I tell her

Mikasa and I enter a big room that was connected to another room near the 50 cal.

"Do you have a breaching charge?" asks Mikasa

I quickly pull it out and set it up on the wall. Once I pull it I stand behind Mikasa against the wall to avoid impact. Once we blow the charge breaches, creating a hole in the wall, we enter the room filled with hostiles knocked off their feet from the impact. We quickly kill them all and the guy mounting the 50 cal.

"Nice." I say to Mikasa

"Yea, we did it."

We continue to clear out the building up until we got to the roof.

"No sign of Salazar here." says Hange through the headset.

"We're empty here sir." says a Sentinel

"Same here." says another Sentinel

"We still have a couple more buildings, search those." says Ghost

"Those are already clear." replies a Sentinel

"He's not here?" asks Armin

"So far, no." replies Mike

"You think he saw it coming?" asks Nanaba

"No way, we were off the radar." replies Hange

"Is there an escape route out of here?" asks Levi

"What makes you think that?" asks Erwin

"Back when I lived underground, there would always be some kind of secret passage way to get to a certain place. Mostly used for robbers and thieves." says Levi

"That could be a possibility." says Hange

"Spread out, check the every inch of the floor in every building." says Erwin

We move back down the stairs to the first floor and checked every inch, every room in the building

"Captain, we think there might be a hidden underground tunnel system, please advise over." says Erwin through his headset

"Copy that, all Sentinel units check every building and streets for a underground tunnel system." says Ghost

"I think I got something?" says Marco

He bends down and lifts up a door on the floor leading to a dark underground system.

"We found it sir." says Erwin

"Understood, go down and try to track him, the rest, deal with the remaining hostiles and continue to check the buildings, he could be anywhere." says Ghost

"Flashlights on." says Erwin

I turn on my flashlight that was attached to my G36 and another on my helmet.

"Erwin, we may not be able to reach each other down there so you're on your own for now, but you'll be able to contact your team. Good luck." says Hacker through the headset.

"Understood." replies Erwin

We all enter the underground tunnel system one by one.

"Split up into two, keep radio contact." says Erwin

Mikasa and I move through the tunnels, the tunnels were like a pipe with many different routes. There's also a bit of a water stream flowing throughout the tunnels, only a few inches high.

We moved quietly through the pipes checking our corners and making sure no one was sneaking up from behind us.

"Don't you think it's a bit too quiet?" I ask

"Yea." whispers Mikasa

I was about turn the corner until someone turns the corner with a knife and tries stabbing me. I block it with my gun and try to push back up but Mikasa kicks him off of me and shoots him before he could get up.

"Eren." says Mikasa as she helps me up.

"Thanks Mikasa."

I was about to turn the corner again but I was met with bullets hitting the top of the pipe right on top of my head.

"Back up!" I yell

I pull out a grenade and toss it to the hostile. It blows up, and I turn the corner, checking the body.

"Not him." I say

I continue moving through the tunnels to find Salazar. We enter a part of the tunnel where there was multiple holes leading to different tunnels.

"Hey Eren, do you hear that?" asks Mikasa

I stop walking and listen closely, at first I hear nothing, then I hear footsteps approaching us from the left hole.

"Shit, yea." I whisper

"Turn off your flash." says Mikasa

I turn it off and lean against the side of the hole, Mikasa on the other side. I begin to see flashlights coming out of the hole and hear footsteps approaching.

Once the person came out of the tunnel I kick the person and he falls, but I was met with a swift kick to the stomach from another person.

"Oh shit friendlies!" yells a familiar voice.

I turn to see Kit on the floor and Charlie standing there. The rest of Ghost team were standing right behind Charlie.

"Careful there, we could have killed each other." says Marksman

Charlie gives me her hand and helps me up.

"Sorry Kit, you good?" I ask

"Yea man, it's all good." replies Kit

"Where's the rest of the team?" asks Ghost

"Spread throughout the tunnel." replies Mikasa

"Okay, stick with us for now." says Ghost

"Ghost splitting up would be so much easier." says Phantom

"No, you never know what's going to happen." replies Ghost

"Ghost, please, this will be faster." says Phantom

Ghost looks at her and the others before sighing.

"Fine, three teams. Marksman and Phantom you're with me, Javelin, Juggernaut, Bomber, Hacker one team. The rest, third team." says Ghost, "Please be careful."

"We will Captain." says Kit

"We'll come back in one piece." says Bomber

"Kit, you better come back." says Ghost


We each took a different tunnel, quietly as possible we moved deeper into the tunnels.

"No one dies here, go that?" says Kit

"Understood." I reply

We continue moving throughout the tunnels, bumping into a couple of hostiles we were able to take down.

We continue moving until Kit raises a fist, signaling us to stop. I hear voices coming from up ahead.

Kit signals us to move quietly and get ready for hand to hand combat. We turn off our flashlights and move to the side of entrance of the hole.

The voices got louder and a flare was illuminating the hole. A hostile comes out of the entrance holding a flare.

Kit immediately kicks him to Mikasa who stabs him, the flare drops out of his hand, lighting up the tunnel. The others behind him begin to flood out of the entrance, one of them being Commander Salazar.

Kit immediately engages with the commander while I was busy fending off the other hostiles. One hostile held both of my arms so I kick his knee making him fall down and I push kick him. He falls down and I proceed to stab him.

Another guy aims his pistol at me but I immediately duck down before he shoots me. I knock his gun out of his hand and stab him on his stomach. Another guy comes up to me, kicks me down and gets up on top of me and starts choking me. I reach for the pistol to my right and shoot him in the side.

I turn and see Mikasa head lock on him from behind before snapping his neck. Charlie was able to block a guys swing and pull out her pistol, shooting the guy three times in the stomach.

Now it was just Kit and Commander Salazar having a one on one fight. Commander Salazar tries to stab his face but Kit ducks down and using Salazar's arm, flips Salazar over his back. Kit tries stabbing his chest but Salazar rolls away and gets up.

Salazar then starts swinging fast at Kit but Kit was faster, dodging everything. Salazar swings at his neck and Kit ducks down, but anticipating it he knees his chin.

I immediately get into the fight and tackle him to the ground.

"Eren!" yells Mikasa

I knock his knife out but he punches my jaw and back kicks me. Mikasa come in with a turning round house kick to the face but he ducks under and hits her leg causing Mikasa to flip even more before landing.

Charlie comes in and knees Salazar's chest and then elbows his jaw. She then step side kicks him making him stumble back into Kit's open arms. He hugs Salazar, lifts him up and then slams his down by falling backwards.

Kit immediately does a kick up, grabs a knife and stabs Salazar's heart. Salazar screams in pain and starts coughing blood.

Kit pulls out the knife and stabs him again and again until he wasn't breathing anymore. Kit stands up, breathing hard from the fight.

"Thanks." he sighs, "You guys good?"

"I'm fine." I reply

"Same here." replies Mikasa

Charlie just nods in agreement.

"This is Sergeant Kit, we got him, Commander Salazar is dead. I repeat he is dead."

I was breathing hard from the rough fight, my uniform soaked from the small stream of water. But then I hear footsteps echoing down a tunnel causing me to worry.

"Prepare yourself." says Kit

I hold my knife tight and get into fighting stance as light begins to come out of the tunnel. They were right in front of the entrance when I was about to swing my knife .

"Sentinel! Check fire!" yells Ghost

I sigh in relief and collapse to one knee. Ghost comes up and checks Salazar's body.

"Good job, I'm proud of all four of you." says Ghost, "Bag him up and get to the surface."

Ghost comes up to me and pats me on my shoulder.

"You did well."


1 hour later

I was back on the surface on a roof with my team and Ghost team.

"Good job Eren and Mikasa, you guys got him!" cheers Armin

"Kit did most of the work." I reply

"But still, you helped him out." replies Jean

"Couldn't have done it without Mikasa." I imply

Mikasa smiles at me but shakes her head.

"You saved Kit's life down there, I didn't really do much." says Mikasa, "At most Charlie did most of the work out of the two of us."

"Yea that's true." I say

Levi comes up from behind us and pats us on the head. I was scared for a moment because he's a scary dude.

"Tsk, not bad." says Levi

Kit's POV

"So you killed him?" asks Javelin

"Yea, but if it wasn't for the others it would have never happened." I reply

She lightly hits the bottom of her fist on my chest.

"Good job." says Javelin

"Oh uhh thanks." I reply

"How's your chin?" she asks

"Huh? Oh it's nothing." I reply

She looks at me with a raised eyebrow and arms crossed.

"What?" I ask

She grabs my bandana and pulls it down, revealing my bruised chin from the knee kick I received from Salazar.

"Really?" she asks

"I got it taken care of." I reply

She pulls my bandana back up and just sighs.

"Lets go." says Javelin

I went back to my team, who were around a table with a map.

"What's our next move?" asks Marksman

"The next few days are going to be really rough for us." says Ghost, "We have intel that there's a huge military camp at Putoranskiy Gosudarstvennyy Prirodnyy Sapovednik."

"That's a huge amount of land. Especially with the canyons." says Ghost

"Is this a joint operation?" asks Hacker

"Yes, but they can only attack from one side." says Ghost, "So our Air Force will most likely have bombers bombing the side, weakening the Russian forces. That's where they will attack once the bombings finish."

"They? What are we doing?" asks Phantom

"We drop in just like D-Day." replies Ghost

"Where?" asks Juggernaut

"Here, where the river is, no one around that area." replies Ghost

"When do we move out?" asks Bomber

"In an hour, we meet up with the US rangers who have transport planes on standby." replies Ghost

"When do we drop in?" asks Hacker

"Once the US rangers start advancing we fly over." says Ghost, "But we have a better plan."


"Obviously when we fly in, there's obviously going to be AA guns and AA tanks firing at us." says Ghost, "But the Air Force aren't permitted to bomb that part because we'll lose a lot of pilots even before they are able to bomb that part."

"So, we're going to have to deal with them first?" asks Marksmen

"Not we, just one person." replies Ghost

"One person? Against and entire platoon filled with AA guns?" I ask

"Yes, but it's going to be Bertholdt." says Ghost, "He's going to drop from 5,000 feet, 1.5 m away."

"And what is he going to do?" asks Phantom

"Shift." says Charlie, "Causing an explosions."

"Right." says Ghost

I nod in agreement but something kept bothering me.

"This fight, how long is it going to take?" I ask

"2 days."


Eren's POV

8 hours later

The plane jerks as we were approaching enemy territory. Bertholdt the fucking piece of shit was picked to do something heroic, and jumps off the plane first.

"I am proud to serve to with all of you by my side." says Ghost through the headset, "For 39 years, we Americans survived against the enemy forces, fighting, killing in order to survive. So I have one last order for all of you."

I look around at the others who had determined eyes on their faces.

"Don't die, don't fall, you must survive to live another day." says Ghost, "But don't fight to be remembered by history, do not fight for you President or for your commanding officers, do not fight for me. This battle will determine the fate of our future. If we lose, there will be no peace in this world and there will be no justice. So fight for your brothers and sisters in arms, fight for your parents and loved ones back at home, fight for your wives/husband and children that you have back at home. Stand, fight and live to see them again."