Chapter 303 – The Only Chance

Gravis gritted his teeth. 'Fuck, I only have a single option left!' Gravis thought as he retrieved his Lightning Board and shot away.

"I also know about your Lightning Board. The arena is perfectly sized to counter your Lightning Board," the priest said evenly. The priest stopped charging forward and kept watch over Gravis. He wouldn't be able to follow him at that speed, so he quickly charged to one wall to wait for him.

When Gravis saw that, he immediately jumped off the Lightning Board again. He had used the Lightning Board as a feint to get to the other side of the arena. Sadly, that still cost him around 3% of his lightning.

"Interesting. A feint. That will only work once. I will just continue charging at you, and you have to accelerate every time. I know that acceleration takes up the most lightning. As long as I follow this pattern, you will waste your lightning away," the priest said as he charged at Gravis with his shield again.