Chapter 346 – The Outside

Gravis' rage grew as he realized what had happened. He hadn't thought about it, but wasn't it weird that some seller, over a major Realm stronger than him, would patiently answer all his questions? He had initially believed that the seller only wanted to appear friendly so that Gravis would continue buying stuff from him, but that had been wrong apparently.

Gravis sighed. "I'm sorry. My Research Adept emblem has been stolen by someone," he said.

"I know," the guard said. "I saw it. He stole it right when he pocketed your resources."

Gravis' grew frustrated again. If the guard saw it, he could have probably also stopped it. Sadly, it wasn't against the rules to steal other people's stuff in the Sky Community, and Gravis had nothing to do with the guard. He couldn't expect the guard to stand up for him. After all, Gravis probably also wouldn't care if he saw that happen.