Chapter 609 – Living World, Dead World

Gravis left the world behind as he flew into the center of the world, the area where the Grand Lake was located.

As he continued flying, he looked at everything around him. He passed over several Empires as he saw the beasts getting ready for war. The entire feeling of the world had changed.

Before the Ultimate's Meet, the world emanated a feeling of opportunity. It felt like a lot of beasts tried to reach for supreme power as they all wanted to increase their power. Additionally, there had been no urgency in regards to the sea beasts before the Ultimate's Meet.

Now, the feeling had changed to one of nervousness and uncertainty. The goal of most beasts had shifted from reaching supreme power to trying to survive. The land beasts had never been under a real threat from the sea beasts. Lords might not have known that, but most Kings knew about the truth.