Chapter 644 – There Can Only Be Two

The three level four Emperors arrived one after the other.

First, the level four Emperor from the north arrived and waited for Gravis to announce the reason why he had called him here.

For now, Gravis ignored him.

Then, the clam arrived, and she glared at the level four Emperor from the north while he glared back. At least, Gravis thought that she glared. It was hard to discern the facial expressions of a clam.

Lastly, the level four Emperor from the west arrived, and surprisingly, he didn't go to the other land beast Emperor. Instead, he took up a third position. He didn't glare at either of them, but Gravis could feel that he was not a fan of either of the two. The same thing was true for the northern level four Emperor, who looked with venom at the western level four Emperor.

Gravis scratched his chin as he noticed that. 'Interesting,' he thought.

"Alright," Gravis said as he flew closer to them.