Chapter 853 – Barricade

Gravis charged through the earth towards the southeast. Down here, no human would be able to find him, but that wasn't true for the beasts.

However, having to go through a ton of hardened stone took a lot longer than simply flying. Because of that, Gravis' speed was slower than before.

After around three weeks, Gravis was sure that he was close to the beast territory. He was probably close to the edge. This area would be the most dangerous since the forces of beasts and humans met each other here.

Inside the earth, Gravis saw no difference. Everything felt the same, no matter where he was. 

A couple of days later, Gravis thought that he should already be inside the beast territory, but he wouldn't come out unless he saw proof. If he came out too early, an Immortal Emperor would probably directly jump on him and kill him.

An additional day later, Gravis finally saw the thing he was waiting for.