Chapter 911 – The Ancestor

"It's been over ten minutes, Sect Master," the young Vice-Sect Master said with a worried look on his face.

"I know that!" the Sect Master snapped. "What do you want me to do about it!? I also don't know what's going on!"

The Vice-Sect Master frowned. He had been a Vice-Sect Master for quite a while, and the Sect Master had been his fellow Vice-Sect Master just 50,000 years ago. The Vice-Sect Master also knew the previous two Sect Masters.

And in his opinion, their current Sect Master was the worst out of these three, by far. The other two had always remained calm, but their current Sect Master constantly lost her temper. Not only that, but she was also always acting like she had everything under control when, in reality, she definitely didn't.