Chapter 1208 – Guard

Gravis went to the nearest city, but someone appeared in front of him before he could arrive there.

"Who are you!? You are not part of the Eternal Fire Sect!"

A level three Ancestral God arrived in front of Gravis with his weapon drawn.

Gravis was a bit perplexed. "I come here from time to time. What's with the sudden hold up?" Gravis asked.

The Ancestral God only glared at Gravis. "Impossible! Ancestral Gods all need to register with the border guard before entering our territory! Speak the truth!"

Gravis' eyes widened with understanding. "Oh! I just reached the Ancestral God Realm inside the Eternal Fire Sect. I was a level nine Star God before that," Gravis said while activating his Law of Honesty.

The guard realized that Gravis spoke the truth, but he still furrowed his brows. "I believe you, but I still need to investigate this. Please remain here and don't do anything before I'm done."