Chapter 1219 – Decision

Of course, the Sect didn't react with silent acceptance to the Sect Master's words.

What was she talking about!?

They had lived like this forever, and they had built their entire lives around living in such an environment, and suddenly, all of this was no longer important?

Criticism and complaints immediately rained down on the Sect Master.

The people were not happy.

However, after the first person that had actually made a threat had been thrown into the fire, everyone became more taciturn.

"Stay in the Sect or don't stay in the Sect. Things will happen this way. Accept it or leave."

Most of the disciples looked with frustration and anger at their Sect Master.

She could only suppress them because she was so much more powerful!

She wasn't able to defend herself with logical arguments, so she resorted to her power, forcefully suppressing all dissent.

This was so unfair!