Zuko stood in a simple ready stance, breathing deeply of the frigid morning air as the waves obeyed his will, feeling the capital of his empire getting closer.
Soon, his students would arrive, but for now he enjoyed a moment to himself.
He would be instructing the people of the water tribe today.
This was an exciting prospect, Zuko was eager to tutor the beginners.
As the water formed a sphere in front of him, he pushed the thought out of his mind and began a routine exercise to warm up his recently obtained bending.
He wanted to concentrate for a brief moment before anyone showed up.
Though he had enough time to stream the water in a fluidmotion that resembled a snake, he soon felt some presence approaching him.
"Good morning, Master!" Came the loud, overly cheerful shout from behind him.
Zuko smiled, not losing focus on the water for even a moment, as It swiftly evaporated despite the strong and cold breeze.
He replied without turning around. "My dear Tata, please be more careful about interrupting another bender while they are practicing their art." He said, his words dripping with his usual charismatic tone. Then he turned to face her – or, rather, them.
Katara stood beside the teen from the swamp expectantly.
The older girl obviously wasn't accustomed to people like Zuko, then again, few were, as she didn't seem sure how to respond.
Instead, Zuko continued with a charming smile. "Don't worry, you haven't offended me in any way or form. I'm just advising you on how to avoid headaches in my empire." He winked politely. "My people have the custom of challenging another if they feel wronged."
Both girls nodded to him.
They had once heard him mention Agni Kai in their previous talk.
It being traditionally a firebender duel, a fight for one's honor and was won only when one opponent burns the other.
The outcome of an Agni Kai affects the honor of each opponent.
These duels are a popular method of resolving conflicts and are a source of entertainment for all spectators.
Any firebender may participate in it. Fire Lords could also be challenged, but that rarely occurred, due to most Fire Lords being amongst the most powerful firebenders in the world.
Zuko was well known for his Agni Kai against his own father. Though his feats had taken a mythological description by his people.
He had told Tata and Katara about his empire's new customs and ideologies before they swore fealty and loyalty to him.
Apparently, though, judging by the surprised looks on their face, they seemed to have forgotten about it.
Zuko decided to be civil in light of their ignorance. "That's why I will be teaching you two." He said, creating a seat of ice out of the humidity as he spoke. "By giving you strength, I will be giving you two the control over your own fate." Well, it was as civil as he could be under the circumstances. His tone became lighter, his expression more playful. "If you two managed to evolve from the little and cute turtle-ducks that you are to become a mighty sea serpent. Tata can safely brave the world and Katara can lead her people."
The girl's expression turned from perplexed to agreement in an instant. "Please, teach us." They replied.
Zuko nodded while tapping his throne made of ice.
He may as well have some fun with this. "Why don't we get started, then?"
Waterbending, one of the four elemental bending arts, is the hydrokinetic ability to control water in all of its various forms.
This type of bending was used by the people of the Water Tribe, who are divided into the Southern, Northern, and lesser-known Foggy Swamp tribes, each with their own unique bending style.
"Water is the element of change." Zuko spoke as he rose from his seat as it evaporated. "The moon is the source of power in waterbending, and the original waterbenders learned to bend by observing how the moon pushed and pulled the tides."
Zuko waved his hand to mimic the swing of the waves under his control, and both girls felt a slight shift of the currents with their eyes closed.
"The fighting style of waterbending is mostly fluid and graceful, acting in concert with the environment."
The climate changed as the clouds above began to rumble.
"The Foggy Swamp style waterbending, however, is more rigid and straight. Though one cannot say that they aren't adaptable. Meanwhile, both tribes have grown over reliant on the limitless resources of water in the pole." He said. "Waterbenders in their essence deal with the flow of their element; they let their defense become their offense, turning their opponents' own forces against them." Thunderous sounds were heard. "Even when waterbenders do take an attack stance, their moves always appear to flow effortlessly from one to the other."
As the girls opened their eyes, they watched him slowly perform basic sets of moves.
Rain began pouring as a storm took control of the sky.
"Waterbending's strength is its great versatility." The young emperor stated while slowly flooding the front deck of the ship. "Rather than supporting a separate set of offensive methods, waterbending employs defensive techniques that can be transformed into attacks and counters, defense into offense." He manipulated multiple whips of water that became circles and made them swirl around him. "Instead of simply deflecting an attack, waterbending's defensive maneuvers focus on control, achieved through turning an opponent's own strength against them, rather than directly harming the opponent."
Both Katara and Tata began copying Zuko's stance and movements. Despite being onboard of a ship completely made of metal, they were surrounded by water.
"These styles frequently make use of switching the state of water from liquid to ice and snow." He said as the circling rings of water shifted their states. From the fluid water, to fragments of ice and then to steam before shifting back to its liquid form. "It is with this technique that the waterbenders built their large polar cities. The Northern waterbending style traditionally performs more defensive, strategic, and architectural techniques in waterbending, while the Southern waterbending style is more aggressive and offensive."
Powered by his dense spiritual presence, both Katara and Tata had perplexed expressions after seeing how well they performed in their first try.
"A waterbender gains a significant advantage or disadvantage over other benders depending on the amount of water in the vicinity." Zuko got their attention again. "Enemies will take advantage of this by driving you away from water sources. As a result, traveling waterbenders often carry a water skin with them at all times." He continued. "Master waterbenders are able to extract water from plants, bodily fluids and even by condensing water vapor out of thin air."
His water rings opened and two whips launched at the girls hands, freezing instantly and trapping their movements.
The water they had been manipulating splashed unceremoniously to the ground.
"Waterbending is almost entirely dependent on the movement of the bender's arms, quite the opposite of earthbending which mostly uses the lower body. This trait leaves the waterbender vulnerable when he or she is bound at the hands or has had the flow of chi blocked in the arms." He remarked before a coat of ice formed around his own feet. "But it can also be performed with one's lower body."
With no effort he began walking towards them as his feet broke free from the frozen ground, with each following step, the frosty surface cracked under his feet.
The ice shackles melted away as he reached them. "Please, do continue with your practice."
Katara and Tata nodded and attempted to bend the water again.
But this time, they weren't as successful as they were on their first try.
Though Tata still was capable of causing wrinkles in the water.
"Another weakness to the waterbending art is its dependence on the moon. Although waterbenders gain power from the moon, with their power at its zenith during full moons, the moon's absence during a lunar eclipse results in a complete loss of their bending abilities." Zuko now stood behind, placing a hand on their backs.
All of the sudden, their prowess returned like magic. "Fortunately, I do seem to possess some positive influence over my allies."
Both turned their heads to look at Zuko, they immediately understood that he was responsible for the surge of energy flowing through them.
"Now, let's proceed to more advanced techniques." Zuko announced.
They spent their journey grasping and perfecting their skill with "feeling" the water and then proceeded to work on changing the phase of the water.
While Tata already showed herself to be more capable of manipulating larger quantities of water, Katara was the one that better understood the concept of switching the state of the water.
And both strived to learn how to compress the water.
They had time to spare before reaching the capital of the Blaze Empire.
They had plenty of water to work with.
And with Zuko teaching them, not only could they observe his skill, but they also felt more powerful than they had ever felt before.
As he promised to teach Katara to blood bend after she impressed him, he reassured Tata once they reached their destination, he would show her how to bend plant life.
More down the line he could awaken Katara's healing capability and test if Tata had it as well.
From his research at Wan's library, he discovered that learning how to swim properly was a way to master Waterbending. That and any instrument that required smooth, rhythmic breathing, and coordinated movement.
Interestingly, after a few hours of training, Zuko noticed a small crowd forming to watch them display water bending techniques.
Alongside the siblings that still hid their water bending from him, Zuko saw potential candidates receive the gift of becoming a water bender.
All in all, the young emperor was glad with their unnatural quick progress.
After a smooth sail from the South Pole, Zuko and his small water tribe population eventually arrived in the Capital City.
He settled the still somewhat traumatized children and women on appropriate homes for them and took both Katara and Tata on a tour around the seat of the government for his Blaze Empire.
"This place is home to yours truly, as Phoenix Emperor, my family, and the nobility of my Empire." He said as they moved past the streets of the city that was located on the large island in the western region of the Fire section. "The Blaze Empire Capital is actually one of the largest settlements in the world."
Both Katara and Tata were unable to hide their surprise at the bustling city.
Neither of them had ever seen so many people in the same place at the same time.
Zuko continued to guide them through its distinct layout that consisted of the Royal Plaza, a forum located directly past the Phoenix Emperor's Harbor; an industrial district surrounded by numerous establishments and homes; and Royal Caldera City, a residential district situated within the crater of a dormant volcano that hosted the Blaze Empire Royal Palace and various homes of Blaze Empire elite.
"Owing to its extensive defenses, the Blaze Empire Capital is regarded as one of the most heavily fortified cities in the world, alongside Ba Sing Se." Zuko stated, specifically towards Katara, knowing that security was what she wanted for her people. "This level of protection along with the prowess of my Blaze Empire Navy prevented the capital from becoming a major battleground during the Hundred Year War."
"It's like the war hadn't shown up here." Katara remarked.
"Oh, but it did through other means Katara." Zuko replied, making Katara worry that she had annoyed him. "Every citizen gives their best to support our war veterans and make sure that our soldiers' sacrifice won't be in vain."
"I-I didn't… Zuko..." Katara began apologizing, but Zuko interrupted her.
"Don't worry my dear. You wouldn't be completely wrong to think that my people were once oblivious to the heavy price of war. My father and his ancestors always found it easier to live secluded from the real world while our troops received orders to lay waste to any opposition."
"But you changed that." Said Tata. "I mean, all the way from the foggy swamp, I've seen and heard people singing praises to how nice it was to have your imperial soldiers around."
That didn't pass unnoticed by Katara.
All the way from the South Pole, she heard Zuko making his case and stating that he was helping the world.
She didn't doubt him, but having Tata pointing out that people were glad to have imperial soldiers keeping the order was another thing.
"As the capital of my Blaze Empire, the city is home to the administration of my empire, as well as every single colony under my banner." Zuko said before moving on. "This relatively small administration is under my direct control and includes members such as my War Minister and my personal War consultant."
"Consultant?" Questioned Tata, finding the term strange.
"A person who provides expert advice professionally." Zuko chuckled. "She is a very dear friend of mine."
"I see." Tata replied with a thoughtful expression.
"Who are them?" Katara asked while pointing towards a group of robe clad people.
"The Blaze Empire Capital is also home to the Fire Sages, which serve as the religious authorities of my empire." Zuko informed her.
The Phoenix Emperor's Harbor was large enough to hold twelve Empire-Class Blaze Empire warships or numerous smaller ships at a time.
"Wow! Those are massive!" Tata stated while Katara stared at it with wide eyes. "They are much bigger than the one that you brought us here."
"Ah yes, my great collection of warships shows that they can come in every shape and size." Zuko said before pointing to a ship in particular. "You see that one?"
"You mean the biggest one? That one with the golden Phoenix?" Katara questioned before remembering the form she saw him coming to rescue her. "No! You mean that one is exclusive yours?"
"I am the emperor after all." Said Zuko with a friendly smile.
"So cool!" Tata gushed.
Zuko then pointed out something. "The entrance to the harbor is sealed by a massive sea wall flanked by two large towers. Each tower is armed with a ballistae powerful enough to fire harpoon bolts through reinforced steel, each attached to a motorized chain winch powerful enough to lift a multi-ton submarine out of the water."
"Submarine?" Katara questioned, nor knowing what it meant.
"Oh, apologies. That's the term used to describe one of my projects." He said and noticed that both girls were curious to hear about it. "It's a ship that navigates under water."
"Really? That would be incredible!" Katara said.
"Can you show it to us?" Asked Tata with a smile. "You know, water benders curiosity."
"Tell you what, after its completion, you will be the first to test it with me." He said before clearing his throat. "As I was saying...there were several large underwater tidal culverts each protected by a rusty steel grate represent major vulnerabilities of the sea wall, so I had it fixed." Zuko remarked more to himself, trying to note all the progress he had made in the last year. "The sheer stone walls of the harbor restrict movement bidirectionally, either back out through the sea gate or forward through the heavily fortified Royal Plaza."
Located in the harbor, just below the Capital's Harbor City, the Royal Plaza was an impressive structure where Blaze Empire Royalty held inspiring rallies for the common people.
It is also the only way in or out of the city from the sea.
Maps of the Capital also indicate two large urban neighborhoods in the hills north and south of the Harbor City.
"If invaders somehow managed to get past the my Navy blockade, the Great Gates of the Phoenix, and the harbor's sea wall, they would have to contend with the defenses of the Royal Plaza."
"Are you expecting an attack?" Tata questioned as they continued their walk with arms crossed behind her head.
"Not exactly expecting." Zuko chuckled. "Just preparing for the worst."
Deep within the city were a series of naturally-formed tunnels that wind beneath the Blaze Empire Royal Palace.
These tunnels lead to several secret, man-made bunkers, constructed during Fire Lord Sozin's reign.
Lava pools and rivers provide natural obstacles to anyone brave and clever enough to enter the labyrinthine lair.
Built by Fire Lord Sozin early in the Hundred Year War, and reformed recently, the Phoenix Emperor's bunker was prepared, alongside other underground bunkers, to protect the Phoenix Emperor and important noblemen during attacks on the Blaze Empire Capital.
The rooms are isolated and well-hidden, and most are made of metal to prevent earthbenders from being able to penetrate them. But since he was a little paranoid, he had already ordered the substitution of the regular metal for platinum.
Katara nodded after hearing his words.
If only her tribe had prepared for the worst.
They continue their walk until reaching the Plaza Zuko mentioned before.
"This plaza is a powerful setting representing the dominance of my empire, and as a natural chokepoint, it serves as the main line of defense for the capital." Zuko began explaining. "Lined with numerous battlements with a clear line of sight and various weapons, this Royal Plaza is one of the most heavily guarded places in the entire world."
The plaza is lined with facilities that hold numerous tundra tanks for additional defense if the need arises.
It is also home to a battle tower where speeches are held before armies.
The base of the main tower has a significantly large garrison of elite domestic troops and features a narrow passageway through the walls that is the only means of access between the Royal Plaza and the rest of the capital.
Zuko halted for a moment on his walk.
Looking around, he remembered that it was right there, in the forum, that Ozai crowned himself Phoenix King in the canon.
But instead of feeling melancholic, the emperor smirked before moving on.
"Located between the central volcano and the harbor, this district supplies refined metal to build tanks, warships, and weapons that help maintain the city's defenses." Zuko said. "The industrial sector had recently been reformed and my metal benders had settled their homes here."
"Metal benders?" Katara pondered as she unsheathed her brother's weapon. "So that's how you…"
Zuko nodded and the angular piece of metal began floating around as if it had a mind of its own before returning to Katara's grasp.
"Nice." Remarked Tata.
This time instead of walking, Zuko had them carried by a palanquin towards the top of the dormant volcano.
Both girls found it a little too much at first, but soon accepted it.
"Royal Caldera City is home to many of the my Empire's wealthiest and most important nobles, and many who do not reside in the capital full-time still maintain households here." Zuko informed from his seat. "This area also houses the Blaze Empire Royal Palace as well as the High Temple."
"There are less people around here." Katara pointed as she looked around the place.
"Blaze Empire commoners are not allowed to enter the city unless they receive an invitation, which are rarely issued for obvious reasons." Zuko replied. "Due to limited space, many of the residences in Royal Caldera City are not as large as those in other parts of my Empire; indeed, many nobles who keep a residence in the city often have more spacious estates elsewhere. As a result, many of the mansions in the caldera reflect considerably more vertical architectures in an attempt to maximize floor space."
"I can see that." Tata said. "Everything here is so tall compared to anywhere else, even the buildings."
"You will see, it won't take much for you two to feel at home in here." He said in an amicable tone. "Tough competition to own property in the district promotes development of residences further up the spiky peaks lining the crater. Perhaps you will be interested in having a nice view from the capital city."
"How's the security up here?" Katara asked. "Since you live here, I believe it must be very good."
Zuko shrugged his shoulders. "Caldera City used to be protected with a group of stone watchtowers and bunkers built into the lip of the dead volcano, but after ascending to the throne, my great grandfather designed a pathway up to the crater to serve as an additional defense, creating a series of switchbacks that force traveling parties to proceed in single file. However, he also heavily fortified the road with watchtowers and battlements every hundred yards, making it one of the most secured roads in the world. Additionally, the slope allows the domestic forces to retreat to higher ground from where they have a more desirable vantage point to rain fire and projectiles on approaching adversaries."
"Okay, I guess you can't be negligent with the safety of your own family." Katara said. "But do you really think it's a wise idea to live over a volcano?"
"Pretty much." Zuko replied with a smile. "But I think you will like to know that the Royal Caldera City is marked by several shining lakes."
"There are lakes up here?" Tata asked, a little incredulous. But Zuko didn't seem the type to lie, so she took his word. "What else do you have to show us?"
"There isn't much else to show." Zuko remarked. "The Capital City Prison is a large, fortified stone tower located inside a hollow volcanic crater northwest from here. The facility holds my Empire's most high-profile prisoners." He recalled another place. "The High Temple is administered by the Fire Sages. Beneath the facility lies the Dragonbone Catacombs, a series of chambers underneath the High Temple that primarily serve as the burial grounds of Fire Lords of the past. It also features a series of murals depicting the history, myths, and legends of my people, along with historical scrolls pertaining to specific points of the nation's past."
"Your people seem to have great appreciation for its past." Katara pointed, a little sad of how her tribe had suffered from the one Hundred Years' War.
She didn't blame Zuko for that, he claimed to have killed the last rulers that had been responsible for such horrible atrocities.
But still, she lamented the loss of her people's tradition.
Zuko noticed her melancholy and decided to gift her with any record he could find in the library in the desert of her culture.
He knew she was already glad to have him as a water bender master, but presenting her with that was bound to make her completely forget that he was the son of Ozai, grandson of Azulon and Great grandson of Sozin.
Zuko remembered about a new place that was about to open. "Hey girls, I just remembered that there is a theater that is opening tonight. Would you like going with me as honored guests?"
Both Tata and Katara thought about it for a moment before saying. "We would love to."
Following that, Tata spotted some sort of arena.
When she asked about it, Zuko informed her that that was one of his projects for the future.
Due to combat prowess being considered a great quality for an individual to have, he wanted to make a place where people from all around the world could meet one another and test their strength.
Be it any type of benders or non benders, Zuko believes that anyone should have the chance to prove their value while testing their limits.
Both girls seemed to be very curious about what he told them.
After the young emperor separated from his young water bending students, as they joined the other people from the South Pole, Zuko headed to his palace.
Unsurprisingly, as soon as he descended from his palanquin, he noticed Azula waiting for him.
He had to smirk, his usually cold and calculated sister was now behaving as a puppy.
Oh, for sure she knew how to keep her dignity in public, but he still remembered how submissive she had become in his bed.
"Welcome back brother." She smiled while bowing in respect. "You almost had me worried after you left in such a hurry."
"Oh you know me, I'm not the type of emperor to postpone important matters. Well, not when I can avoid it." He approached her and gestured for her to rise. "Did you miss me?"
Azula's eyes softened as her sweet lips curved into a smile. "I did. Mind if we repeat our last encounter? I-I got an itch that I want you to scratch." She stuttered a little in the end before blushing.
"If you behave, we can make a habit of it. I'm going to visit Ty Lee's theatre tonight, you are invited if you desire to come too." Zuko smirked and winked before moving on. "So, did you like the gift I left you?"
Azula began walking beside him. "You mean the egg? I-i'm thankful for the gesture… but… I don't really know what to do with it."
That made Zuko laugh a little. "Oh, my mistake dear sister." He turned his head and looked her in the eyes. "That egg is a gift from our new allies. Azula, I decided you are worthy of having your own dragon."
That made her stop on her tracks.
Her thoughts of surprise were clear to Zuko.
"You are welcome. Please, do take care of it." He said before moving on. "Your fire will be more than enough to make it grow strong and powerful." As Zuko moved on, he asked without turning. "By the way, how's our little sister? It's been like ages that I haven't visited her."
As Azula went to better inspect Zuko's gift to her, Zuko entered Kiyi's room.
She had grown a little since the time he "rescued" her and Ursa.
Kiyi already could crawl around and pronunciate a few words.
"Zu!" She called while being taken care by Ursa and a few other servants.
"Greetings my beloved son!" Ursa said with a welcoming smile. "I've missed you."
Zuko approached them both and hugged them. "So have I." He kissed both Kiyi and Ursa on their forehead. "How are my girls doing?"
"Da! Da! Zu!" Kiyi said happily.
"Look at you my dear Kiyi. You have grown so much!" He patted her on the head with care. "I'm so glad to see you growing up so healthy."
"Is everything alright my beloved?" Ursa asked.
"Absolutely. I just missed spending some time with my little sister." Zuko replied. "Mother, would you like to join me and my friends tonight. We've been planning to support Ty Lee by going to her theaters' opening night. She assured me it will be a very pleasant experience."
"Of course my dear!" His mother said with a beautiful smile. "Shall I bring Kiyi along?"
Zuko turned to her smiling sister. "Of course, I'm sure she will have fun."
He then spent some time playing with his half sister and speaking with his mother about a certain lady that had been invited to join her daughter in the Royal palace after her husband was found guilty of conspiring against the empire.
Later he went to embrace his lovely concubines in his personal chamber.
"Welcome back master!" Suki announced while posing sensually over his bed.
Even June showed some appreciation for his return. Though she didn't say anything.
Suki was very open to give him some "oral support" and June became very skilled in riding his face.
Even Though they weren't expected to engage in combat, both were expected to keep themselves in shape and well-kept.
Strangely, they now were intimate enough to do more than only fuck.
Suki told him about how her days were, she did interact with her previous friends from time to time, but both parties know the limits they were allowed to go. Her friendship with Ty Lee, and now with Ri Huo, was another thing that made her enjoy her days in the capital.
She loved to hear about what Ty Lee was doing. Despite being so young, she still showed herself to be more than capable of organizing a theater.
June admitted that her life had somewhat improved, she no longer had to risk her life to earn a meal or a drink and neither required to stay alert at all times. Despite being more open to please him, he always made her blush whenever he played with her butt.
Her only major complaint was that she felt bored. Especially now that Mai seemed to prefer spending her time training with Han'i or working alongside the side war minister.
That reminds me, Mai may not be an intellectual in regards to the work of the machinists and his son, but her logic in warfare never ceased to amuse Zuko.
The soldiers were already showing great margins of improvement in their combat skills, thanks to their equipment being overhauled and skills like accuracy and chi blocking being implemented in their training.
Mai will make an excellent War Minister in the future.
Anyway, after inviting his concubines to join him in his visit to Ty Lee's theater, he left them to take care of some other matters he had postponed.
As he visited the arena that Tata had noticed during their brief tour, the young emperor went to talk with Toph.
Before leaving to meet the lion turtle, he had been informed of The Boulder's accomplishments and training of his earth benders.
Tyro now led the construction effort alongside his metal bending son, Haru.
Now dotted with the ability to take and give bending to people, he had a lot of plans that could be put to practice.
Zuko wanted his group of lava benders just as much as he wanted to raise the number of water benders under his command.
Kori Morishita was his first choice. An earth bender with deep devotion to him and his empire. By having her bending lava, he surely would be beneficiated as a result.
The next candidate would be the ex-ringleader, Xin Fu. Although his loyalty wasn't rock solid yet, one couldn't deny his skills as an earth bender. Probably at the same tier with the boulder, if not for Toph and Bumi, they surely would be considered as the strongest benders in their art.
Zuko still had interest in acquiring some sand benders. They certainly would be optimal with liquifying the earth. Perhaps even finding some of the rare variants like glass and pigment benders.
That made him remember that Tata might be capable of bending plants.
For a moment he wondered if he could bend plants. In theory, there wasn't any reason for him not to.
"Who are you?" Toph asked alarmed as soon as he got close to her. She even assumed a fighting position.
"Don't tell me you already forgot about me Toph, I hadn't been off for that long." He chuckled. "And here I thought we had some sort of connection."
"Z-Zu-Zuko?!" Toph asked, really surprised. "What happened? How did you get so light? I barely felt you coming?"
"Oh, so that's what happened." He smiled. "Don't worry, I just loosened most of my earthly attachments."
"Wow, don't tell me you've become a monk." She remarked.
"Heh, not really." Zuko said before patting her head. "I'm just screwing with you."
"Alright, mind telling me what really happened to you?" She asked, not minding being patted.
"Oh, just met a giant lion turtle who helped me to master the other elements." He said without missing a beat.
"Okay, then. Keep your secrets." She replied with a grunt. "I don't know how to read you, you are either a great liar or someone with the most wild experiences."
"I like to believe that I'm both." He chuckled as he stopped to pat her. "So, how's your training?"
Toph smirked. "Well enough. You know, sometimes even I get surprised at how tough I am."
"I believe." Zuko said as he began walking around her. Inspecting her smaller frame. "I see you are already packing some muscles. Hopefully you won't overdo it in the future, I would miss your cuteness."
"Hey, I'm not cute." She stated while pointing at his previous position, not being capable of properly locating him.
"If you say so." Zuko said from behind. "Attack me."
"Will you stop it? It's like I'm going crazy talking alone here." Toph requested.
"As you wish." He said before stop walking. "Better?"
Toph turned to look at him. "Better."
Earthbending, one of the four elemental bending arts, was the geokinetic ability to manipulate earth and rock in all their various forms, prevalent in the Earth Kingdom.
"Earth is the element of substance, the people of the Earth Kingdom are diverse, strong, and enduring." He stated before dashing a swift wave of earth from the ground that pushed her backwards a few meters despite her quick defense.
"What was that?" She questioned him.
"I told you to attack me." Zuko replied.
"Okay, take this." She said before raising an earth column right in front of her, with multiple quick jabs, multiple projectiles were shot at him.
"The key to earthbending is utilizing neutral jing, which involves waiting and listening for the right moment to strike and, when that moment comes, acting decisively." Zuko said while patiently waiting for the earth blocks to reach him. "In other words, earthbenders generally endure their enemies' attacks until the right opportunity to counterattack reveals itself." He told her as he swiftly moved past the rapid fire, and without a second thought, kicked the ground.
Toph felt the trail of earth creeping towards her and laughed. "Using my own tricks against me? As if that would work."
But unbeknownst to her, that "sneaky" attack was supposed to be the distraction.
With a quick pull with both of his hands, the ground behind Toph rose and tumbled down over her.
If she wasn't an earth bender, that might've been enough to break a few bones. But since she was, the earth resistance faltered as soon as it made contact against her reflexive elbow strike.
The large block of earth collapsed into multiple boulders and a few pebbles.
Even though the attack didn't break any bones, Toph still received a few bruises. "You are one tough opponent to deal with, I will give you that."
"Thanks Toph, that really means a lot." He replied in a mocking tone. "But in all honesty...earthbending is one of the most diverse of the bending arts, ranging from the rigid style practiced by the royal guard of the earth king, to the individually taught styles, such as your unique earthbending technique."
"Yeah yeah, I know I'm awesome." She boasted while cracking her knuckles, trying her best to not show signs of exhaustion.
"Earthbending differs from the other bending arts in that it maintains a distinct balance between offensive and defensive capabilities, though waterbending involves a more refined version by channeling defense into offense. Earthbending uses a balance of strength and defense to overwhelm opponents." Zuko said before inspecting his wrist holsters. "Earthbending is the opposing bending art to airbending. Contrasting with the emphasis of airbenders on mobility and evasion. Earthbenders require a firm root in the ground, while airbenders are constantly moving."
"I told you to stop doing that." Toph said, turning her head elsewhere. But after a better inspection of what caught her attention, she remarked. "Wait a minute…"
She immediately raised a wall of earth and multiple throwing knives embedded themselves into the solid rock.
"What's the meaning of this?" Toph asked, a little annoyed.
But instead of hearing Zuko's voice or feeling his footsteps, she felt similar throwing knives spread all around the arena.
"Zuko?" She called for him.
"I'm right here." She heard a voice echoing from all sides.
Toph turned her head around and shifted her footing multiple times, but wasn't capable of locating him. "Where?"
"Here." She heard his voice again coming from all sides.
The eventual vibration caught in her radar soon proved to be another knife stabbing the ground.
Toph was getting angry. "You think you're tougher than me? Why don't you face me so I can smack that grin from your face?"
"But I'm already so close to you, my dear blind bandit." She felt his breath as he whispered in her ear.
"Got you!" She immediately shifted her stance and raised a pillar of earth where she thought he stood.
But her attack didn't connect with anything at all.
"You disappoint me Toph." The untraceable voice of the young emperor said. "You are acting only as a mere earth bender. In normal circumstances that would already be unsuitable by itself." Toph gritted her teeth, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't locate Zuko. "But this isn't a normal circumstance, and neither am I a regular opponent."
One by one she could feel the throwing knives being lifted up in the air, going beyond her field of "view".
"You are no longer a mere earth bender, Toph." Even the knives she had blocked were now removed from her pillar of earth. "I'm amplifying your power, feel the metal. Bend it."
Before she had the time to do anything, a knife came swirling from somewhere she didn't know and slashed a light cut in her leg.
"Argh!" She cried more in shock than in pain.
"Focus Toph!" He said.
This time another knife came swirling at her, but instead of cutting her, she had the foresight to dodge the attack.
However, the knife still managed to scratch her attire.
"Good." She heard.
This time two knives came swirling at her.
Toph's reaction was even better than the last time, both blades were completely avoided by Toph.
"Good." She heard again.
What came next made her gasp for a moment before moving rapidly to dodge a flurry of knives raining down on her.
For each blade that met her skin, five would cut her attire and hair, and twice as much would miss her completely.
Now panting after the effort, Toph wiped the sweat from her forehead.
Her multiple cuts weren't deep enough to draw blood, but they still made her skin ache.
"Not bad." Zuko said before lifting all the weapons that had fallen to the ground. "Care to try again."
This time, Toph somehow felt every single metal hovering around her, even those still sheathed on Zuko's holster.
Right before the rain of knives rained down on her again, Zuko felt a foreign pull restricting his wrists and ankles, grounding him again.
"Ha!" Toph boasted.
"Interesting." He spoke out loud. "But I warned you that I'm not a regular opponent."
Not even attempting to break free of her influence, Zuko bent the swarm of knives towards his blind opponent.
Toph was caught by surprise by that, however, before the swarm of knives had the chance to skewer her, she stopped them in mid air with both palms raised.
"Better." He said while still allowing her to restrict his movement. "Let's test how far you can go."
With moving a muscle, the knives began slowly approaching her.
Toph visibly struggled to push them back, but regardless of how much effort she made, the weapons kept getting closer at a constant pace.
She immediately summoned a small shelter of earth to encase her.
But despite the physical barrier, the blades became glowing hot and pierced the earth as a hot knife through butter.
Toph gripped her hands and the earth compressed itself to resist being pierced.
That made Zuko smile.
Instead of pushing harder, he had the blades spinning and the melting metal morphing into needles.
The more dense defense fared no better than it had originally.
But right before Toph became a porcupine, the spinning hot needles had their movements completely halted.
Releasing a breath she didn't know she was holding, Toph gulped feeling the temperature raising inside her enclosed space.
"Much better!" Zuko announced while completely breaking free of her influence over his sheathed weapons.
Toph felt the many fragments of metal shooting backwards and returning to Zuko's holsters.
One by one.
"You're indeed special, my dear Toph." Zuko began walking towards her. "Very special."
With a casual movement of his wrists, the earth shelter she built was cracked open, revealing a very surprised Toph.
"Blind since birth, you were constantly treated condescendingly because of your visual impairment, particularly by your overprotective parents." He said before placing both palms over her shoulders. "Before even reaching the age of nine, you already held the title of a master in the earth bending art."
"T-thanks." She replied meekly.
Under his touch, Toph felt the temperature increasing.
But instead of being harmed by his flames, she felt her aches and exhaustion diminishing.
"You've gone far at such a young age with so many hardships." He then removed his hands from over her shoulders and grabbed her head. "Do you want to see what you are missing?"
"I-I...what?" She stuttered with her words, incapable of understanding his meaning. "Missing?"
"Yes." He replied. "I can make you see again."
"You… can… cure my blindness?" She asked, even more surprised.
"There aren't many things that are beyond my capabilities… especially now." He stated. "I've made a cripple walk, twice. I've faced two ancient dragons at the same time and met an ancient lion turtle larger than an island."
"You are such a big liar!" She told him.
"Did my heart beat falter?" He asked.
"Let's say I believe you. I-I don't know if I would like to see what else the world has to offer."
Toph said. "Being blind is kinda my whole shtick, you know?"
"Believe me, I can see the way you see. And once you see the world the way I see, you will wish you didn't have to blink." He said while caressing her cheeks. "Besides, if it doesn't please you. I can always take back your sight."
"Alright!" She decided. "Do it."
"As you wish." The young emperor smiled and brought both hands to cover her eyes.
After feeling a massive influence of energy flowing through his palms to her eyes.
She could still feel the world through her feet, hear the sounds of the capital citizens moving on with their lives, and smell Zuko's distinct and alluring scent.
But the darkness that had ruled over her entire life gave way to something else.
It was like she had lived inside a dark cave for her entire life, only to now finally step outside into the light.
It was "bright".
It was "colorful".
As Zuko removed his palms from her eyes, she began looking at him with her distinctive whitish eyes, but now he could notice her orbits inspecting his features.
"Y-y-you… are…" She began.
"Handsome?" He completed her sentence.
Expecting a snarky remark to his comment, he was surprised by seeing that she blushed with wide eyes.
That made Zuko's smile grow wider.
He grabbed her by the chin and made her look upward.
"Wow!" Toph remarked.
"To a blind person, one would have to use terms like broad, boundless and high to describe the sky. I would tell you that the sun was round and hot, the clouds were fluffy and always forming different shapes, the stars were like little dots that also could form shapes." He noticed her mesmerized stare. "Toph, allow me to introduce you to the sky." He told her.
"It's… massive." She said.
"We will have to introduce you to colors." He pondered. "Numbers and letters as well." He lowered her face again and kissed her on the forehead. "Be ready for tonight, we will be going to the theater."
Toph simply nodded without taking her eyes from Zuko.
"Oh, if you don't mind. Keep it a secret between the two of us." He added. "If by chance you end up enjoying seeing the world like I do, I might even return the green color to your eyes. Although…" He said staring into her eyes. "I do love your cloudy eyes."
The Phoenix Theater was advertised as a new stage, local theater that had just opened in the Capital.
It was supported by upper-class citizens of the empire who had been personally invited by Ty Lee to begin building a pristine reputation of a center of fine art in the Capital.
Since the theater itself was magnificent due to recent renovations, the plays scheduled to be performed inside were conducted with the intent of receiving positive reviews and attracting more talent.
The theater was incredibly big, and the stage was surrounded by red curtains.
Illumination was provided by several lanterns located in the roof of the structure.
The stage was separated from the viewing area by a bench accessed with stairs located at the ends.
The public section was located in front of the stage, either at a level lower than the stage, or in the gallery, which had several tiers available for people.
The players wear all professionals.
Proof of that, their pay was relatively high and almost all of them had to keep their A-game if they wished to maintain their job.
Their plays varied from dramatic to comedic acting and dazzling special effects.
Not to mention the multiple displays of music with foreign instruments and dances of all kinds.
From the imperial section, located at the highest level with an entire view from the stage and the front rows, with more than enough space to accommodate all of Zuko's companies.
To his left side he had his beloved mother Ursa with his dear and well behaved half sister Kiyi.
And to Ursa's left, were seated Ri Huo, Katara and Tata discussing amongst themselves about their stay in the capital.
To his right, he had allowed his dear sister to be seated by his side.
And to Azula's right, Suki and June were seated in silence. Half pleasantly surprised by how magnificent everything looked from up there, and half annoyed by not being seated close to Zuko.
Despite Azula hugging his arm affectionately, her expression was sour.
That's because her older brother's attention was solely on his "blind pet" sitting over his lap.
She noticed him whispering in her ear, describing the whole show that her friend Ty Lee had organized Azula assumed.
Toph hadn't giggled like that for quite some time.
At the end of the night, Ty Lee thanked everyone for coming and supporting her work.
She had clearly worked very hard to arrange for everything.
*Hope this chapter is of your liking. Anything you wish to ask, feel free to do so.
Thanks as always for your attention and please be safe.
Any problems with my writing, just point them out and I will correct them as soon as possible.
** Please don't hesitate to tell me if the quality is dropping. I really wish to continue trying to update as fast as I can, but I don't want to make it reflect badly on my writing.
*** Apologies for the delay, personal matters are taking a toll on my time schedule.