I will call you Avira. See I told you it is a girl

"Shared its power with us? but how?" Prince Asura asked with doubt. He doubts that the stone is something evil and did something to them.

Stone vibrated and again slightly released its aura as it understands Prince Asura's thought stone projected a scene as it recorded. If Emperor Kadungon Pandiyan and Empress Amaidhini were here, they would be shocked because it was the same forest where Prince Asura went hunting.

But there was a bird that looks like Peacock but was huge compared to a peacock. It has a huge body and legs were like the claws of a phoenix. Each of it feather are like Grand gems all were shining.

But they couldn't enjoy the beauty and might of that bird because it covered with injuries. Suddenly Prince Asura covered Princess Tukirā's eye with his hands.

The giant bird looked everywhere and dig a hole and an egg which is the size of a back bag. It buried the egg and turned then again. It stopped for a second suddenly bit a feather-like gem from its back. It dropped a drop of tear in it and buried it in the same place where the egg was and flown away with difficulty.

The scene ended, he slowly released his hands. Princess Tukirā looked at the stone. She didn't know what happened, angry at her brother didn't allow her to see it.

'Hmm, Brother, what happened?" Princess Tukirā asked.

But Prince Asura didn't say anything thing about something and looked at the stone. Princess Tukirā also looks at it, then slowly Prince Asura asked, "Why it asked you to take care of the egg instead of me?"

Princess Tukirā shook her head and said, "I don't know. It was like it trusts me more than you when it told."

He looked at her sister, but he knew even she told some lie, he still gives the egg to her.

Because when he saw the scene, some unknown instinct told him that there is nothing wrong with the stone. It was like both the stone and the egg is destined to be with his sister. He was just a delivery boy.

He took a deep breath, and took her little hand and said, "Come with me."

He took her inside one of the rooms where many things are stored. Prince Asura went to a corner removed a cloth. There is an egg with mermaids of colour.

Seeing a beautiful egg, Princess Tukirā comes forwarded and touched the egg and then hugged it with a huge smile and said, "From now onwards, I will call you Avira."

Prince Asura laughed and asked, "How could you give it a girl name? What if it is a boy?"

"Hmm, It is a girl." Princess Tukirā said.

Prince Asura doesn't know he has to laugh or cry. However, suddenly he got shocked at what Princess Tukirā did. She cut her finger one of the old swords which kept near the egg and drop blood onto the eggshell.

Prince Asura shouted, "What are you doing, Tukirā?" while runs over to her and holds her hand sucked her wounded finger sucked the leaking blood and took a clean cloth, and tied it.

"Brother, don't worry, the stone said, 'if I did like this; Avira will become my pet forever. And my finger will also get cured soon'" But before Princess Tukirā completes her sentence, blood on the eggshell spread and showed a strange pattern on the shell.

Mermaids of colour again, but this time from the egg and as well as Princess Tukirā. Prince Asura suddenly felt the heat burning all over his body, but he didn't release Princess Tukirā's hand.

But what Princess Tukirā feels was the total opposite of Prince Asura. She feels warming energy entering her body. It was like she was happily playing with warm water or eating her favourite food and giving her strength.

It continued for some time before it disappears slowly. Princess Tukirā said slowly but excitedly. "Brother, I can feel it.

It is alive and sees it is a girl as I said." saying this, she puffed her chest and her head proudly.

But what Asura feels was different. He felt like someone had thrown him into a burning forest. But he also felt some connection to egg, but not directly but through his sister.

He has felt that he can see her heartbeat and emotions from it he can feel the connection between the egg and his sister.

Even after watching the video, he felt some doubts in his heart, but through the connections, he felt relieved because the egg doesn't have any malicious intent on his sister. But suddenly thought of something, he looked at his sister and slowly asked, "Did you feel anything else?"

Princess Tukirā turned her head and looked at her brother. "No, brother, I don't feel anything else. See, my finger also cured as the stone said." She showed her little snow like hands to her brother.

Touching her hands, Prince Asura said to himself, 'So I can only feel her emotions but not she feels mine. It might because I was holding her hands when that strange pattern came out of the egg and also I think both the egg and stone are not evil.'

"Alright, I will ask someone to move the egg to your place. From now onwards, you have to take care of the egg. And tell your friends, neckless is a magic item which bought for you and not tells anyone about the egg and stone that can talk to you" Prince Asura told and tied the neckless on Princess Tukirā's neck.

Princess Tukirā nodded her head, dancing and rotating the room while waving her hands to Prince Asura went out of his room happily.

He didn't ask her any promises like don't tell anyone about what happened because he knew she would not tell anyone. Even she tells, who will believe it, a five-year-old kids imaginations?

Prince Asura shakes his head went out of the room. But he remembered his sister words about the cultivation.

'Haa, leave it. Father said I have to stop practising the Five Elements Breathing technique. What is the use of thinking about it.'

What he doesn't know even without he cultivating it, his breath becomes strong as earth. Each of his breadths is steady and hard but slow.

Blood on his body slowly flowing like it was solid as each drop of blood made from 100 drops for normal humans.