
It is Asuran, and he stands on the ground full of blood. He is looking at Manivel with anger. Manivel wants to speak, but he suddenly sees Prince Asura disappears, and the ground shattered a little bit.

It is one of the moves in the 'Five elemental breathing technique', movement techniques of Earth called Earth-shattering steps. Even though he only learned a little bit, it is enough for him now.

With three steps, he reached near Manivel. It is an all-out surprise attack on him. He didn't expect Asura will endure it.

One thing energy gathering experts will be afraid of it is a close-range battle with body strengthening cultivators. Because in the same stage, they will lose immediately with a single attack. Manivel is also shocked and didn't expect it, but he doesn't care because he is in the 9th stage while Asura is in the third stage.

Asura suddenly made a posture and turned his hand into a fist, attacking Manivel. Suddenly his opponent Manivel felt danger.

He first thought Asura's attack wouldn't harm him, so he didn't care, but now, sensing danger, he took his step into his side and turned left to dodge the attack. But still, he is a second late, and his first touched the edge of his stomach and right rib. He also bled a little bit.

The offensive martial technique of 'Five-Elemental Breathing Technique' for earth cultivators, 'The Mountain destroying fist'.

Manivel still moved on his left but still near Asura. He wants to break all the bones of Asura. He was 9th stage of energy gathering realm, but Asura is at 3rd stage, even in logical, no one at 3rd staged can't make a scratch to 9th stage even close combat. But Asura did it. Such a humiliation.

Manivel Raised his hand and gathered his energy ball, but suddenly he also felt danger again, looked down. Prince Asura also holds small balls of energy on his left hand.


It is the question everyone has on their mind. Because body strengthening cultivators only gather their energy at the 5th stage, unlike the people energy gathering cultivators who can do it on the 1st stage.

But before finishing their thoughts, both attacked, Manivel and Prince Asura thrown out opposite sides. Both injured.

Another miscalculation. Manivel didn't expect the Energy ball gathered by Prince Asura will hurt him again. He is at the ninth stage unless people are 9th stage energy gathering realm or the 9th stage of the body strengthening stage.


"Unless the quality of internal energy reaches and strength reaches a peak of 9th level at 3rd stage!" slowly said Inkody with shock and slowly turned and saw Kenthiran.

To her surprise, he is also looking at Prince Asura, like he is a monster. He took a deep breath.

"How is that possible? Unless he cultivated that legendary technique..." he murmured.

Slowly both Manivel and Asura stood up and looked at each other. Manivel was shocked, 'No wonder, Teacher wants me to fight him. Some secret techniques of Empire. Princes have advantages because of their birth.' he thought and clenched his fist.

He always fought with Prince Athikan but almost cached up with him but never victorious nor defeated. All his training is to catch up with him. But now he failed to Prince Asura at 3rd stage. He felt humiliated.

But on the contrary, Asura looks like he was disappointed. It was all his plan. He knew he couldn't defeat Manivel directly. His only option was a surprise attack, and he also knew Manivel didn't take him seriously. That's why he didn't use much power on his first attack. Even though he was injured, he endured it.

He divided his strength into three parts, the first part of his movement technique was successful, but the second part was his fist technique. He aimed his fist into his opponent heart. But he missed it for two reasons.

The first one is his height. No one forgets that Asura was only eight years old and a lot shorter than Manivel. His hand can't ideally reach his opponent heart. And the second one is his opponent sense the danger and avoid it on time. Even though he failed to prevent it, but it didn't do the damages much.

And last, his third attack is another successful attack, but the damages are not worth mentioning because he received injuries much worse than his opponent.

He slowly looked at his classmates. He can feel awe, shock, envy and some trust. He jerked, 'why I feel like they are trusting me suddenly? They won't believe in me before, why now?

Trust.' murmured Prince Asura. Suddenly he remembered what Iniyan's father told him another day, "Soldiers fights because they trust their Kings and Prince."

His Teacher said the same thing, 'You are not allowed to admit defeat, You have to fight whatever happens.'

Prince Asura suddenly understood something.

'Prince and King never surrender to his enemy,' Asura said to himself, 'I have to win.'

It looks very long, but all happen very quickly, the fight thoughts like a train pass.

He raised his head looked at Manivel. He looked at him with anger and frustration.

Manivel covered himself with his energy and started running to him. He has tremendous power, but Asura doesn't have much, not even for a punch.

Manivel punched Asura's chest. He was again thrown out of two meters and feeling dazy.

Manivel looked at him as his anger reduced a bit. Even though he is angry, he is no fool to injure much in a simple fight. Moreover, Asura is Prince.

The only thought Aura has now is 'he has to win'. The whole ground was in silence.

"You lost Prince Asu..." Manivel wanted to say but stopped when they saw Asura slowly standing on his feet. He got angry again, started moving towards Asura at his full speed. He wants to end this fight even he has to make Asura unconscious.

Slowly His consciousness faded, but he was still standing. What he sees is simply darkness. Without knowing himself, he moved a small amount of energy into his legs moved to the ground. But no one finds it include Inkodi and Kenthiran.

In the dark, he has seen a body of light moving towards him. He can also see where will that light body going to land on its next steps. With that move, Asura unknowingly finished all the energy he cultivated from the 'Five-elemental breathing technique.'

'Thump thump'

Asura's heartbeat. Suddenly with a heartbeat, a new type of energy filled his body. He moved.

So fast.

No one saw how fast Asura moved other than three people. Inkodi, Kenthiran and last Iniyan.

Manivel can't see Asura now, but suddenly Asura comes near Manivel. Manivel he didn't even have time to think or get shook, a fist touched his stomach. He only felt so much pain. His eyes sight becomes white and slowly turns into black.

He doesn't know that all this happened in a single second, and when he becomes unconscious, he is in the air thrown out of ten meters.

Slowly Asura came into his consciousness. He sees Manivel on fly and land on the ground with the sound 'Boom' his body becomes so heavy he kneels then slowly falls and become unconscious again.