We are still walking to the Hub, and not far from it, when I tap Tobias's shoulder making him stop. I need to make sure he knows that whatever the aptitude test says, he should make his own decision, regardless of what he thinks is best for everyone else. He turns to face me, with a slightly curious look on his face.
"Tobias I want you to know, you were right. Everythings going to be Ok. I'm going to be ok" I tell him. I think he's caught on to what I'm trying to say because he crosses his arms, and glances up. I still find it kind of funny that even though I'm 3 years younger than him, I can still manage to pull off being wiser than him sometimes.
"What are you trying to say, Ro?" He asks
I let out a breath before continuing to talk. " What I'm saying is that... You have to make a choice tomorrow, and that choice should be something you want, not something you feel obliged to. And I don't want you to regret your decision for the rest of your life, because you were busy trying to protect me or our family or something. Because let's be honest, there's no fixing this family. It broke the day mom died."
At that Tobias still has his arms crossed, and is now looking at his shoes keeping his stare on them. " I know" he whispers.
I touch his shoulder, making him look up again. " You deserve to be happy Tobias, as much as anyone else. So don't stay behind if it's not your choice, and especially don't stay behind for me. Cause I wanna be free of this place too, and I can't do that if you stayed behind. I would look like a jerk." I say smirking.
Tobias laughs a little. He then pulls me into a hug. My first reaction would be to pull away, but I don't. I stay there hoping that he's hugging me because he'll join another faction, and this will be the last chance he gets for a while. " Thanks, Ro, I think I needed that," Tobias says.
"Anytime" I reply.
He then pulls away, and we make our way into the Hub. I find myself thinking about what faction Tobias might choose. Well, he can always be in Candor since he's a horrible liar. But no he would never reveal his secrets. Erudite? Nope, not smart enough, sorry not sorry. I eventually have to stop thinking about it, because I don't want to spend time thinking about how he's going to leave tomorrow. He never said he would. But I know my brother. And he'll leave.