Chapter 6

Time passes by and Tobias is done with his test. He spots me in the crowd and walks over to where I'm standing with my friends. My friends have never met my brother before, but I've met their siblings. Tobias knows that I told them about Marcus. He wasn't mad I told them but he told me to be careful and to make sure they don't tell anybody else. He walks over and puts a hand on my shoulder, almost to steady himself. That serum must not be very good for his mind, or stomach.

"Hey," I say "How did it go?"

"It wasn't bad, I'll talk to you about it later" he replies.

Hannah and Ely stand there looking around for their siblings. Oh, they've never met before. I quickly introduce them

"Tobias these are my friends, Ely and Hannah," I say pointing to both of them.

"Nice to meet you," Tobias says, smiling a little. Probably glad I'm not a complete loner. He's not one to talk though.

"You too" they both reply, "We've heard a lot about you," Hannah says.

"All good I hope," Tobias says glaring at me.

"Haha very funny," I say elbowing him in the ribs. He just laughs.

"Oh I have to go, Annabeth is calling me, it was nice to meet you, Tobias," Ely says, "I'll see you guys at school tomorrow"

"mmhm," we both say

"I should get going too, Edward is not the most patient person on the planet, bye!" Hannah says waving

I wave back, and Tobias turns to face me. "They look nice," he tells me.

"Ya, they are" I reply

"Well we have at least an hour before we should get back to the house, what do you wanna do?" Tobias asks

"I don't know, how about..." I say unsure " Walk by the marsh?"

"Sure, let's go," he says smiling. Tobias puts an arm around my shoulder and we walk out of the Hub. I may not know what tomorrow will bring for Tobias's, and my future, but I do know that this might be the last time we walk along the marsh together, for quite a while at least. I can't say that I'm upset by it though.