Chapter 15

(3 years ahead in the future (At Rose's Aptitude Test). For now, the war never happened. I'm debating whether or not the war should happen, but if it does, Rose will be present in it. So yes, for now, Tobias is still an initiation instructor, and Tris will be in the story soon. Hope you like it!)

I wake up at 8 am and start to get ready. The tests are at 12. I get in the shower and run cold water, and then put on a gray shirt. I've tried not to upset Marcus as much for the last 3 years, especially in the last week since the test was coming up and he was more angry than usual. I've even been wearing a bun in my hair, in front of him at least. I sometimes take it off at school and tie it back up when I get to the house. Today I tie it up again. I already know I will be leaving Abnegation tomorrow, but I still wanna fool Marcus into thinking I'm staying. That way tomorrow when I leave it'll feel like a mountain hit him and he'll know he was wrong the entire time. I finish getting ready and walk downstairs to get breakfast. I make myself some scrambled eggs and sit at the table. I don't bother saying anything, because I know he will eventually.

"Whatever happens today," Marcus says "Remember what I told you. If they ask you if you were aware during the simulation, you say no."

I nod and continue eating. No matter what, if I'm aware or not, it won't change the outcome. I already know I don't fit into Abnegation, whether or not the test tells me I do. I also know I want to leave. The test shouldn't mean anything. Right?

I get up and put my plate in the sink, taking Marcus's as well. When I'm done washing them I grab my bag and leave. Just like Tobias's test, Marcus doesn't wanna be seen with me if it isn't necessary. I still don't mind it. I see Ely and Hannah along the way and we continue to walk together.

"Do you guys know what faction your picking tomorrow?" Hannah asks

Ely and I both shake our heads. "I don't want to leave my family," Ely says "But I also want to leave my faction"

Of course, I don't understand where she's coming from. I want nothing more than to leave Marcus. But she has a family who loves her. Who will be heartbroken if she leaves? We make it to the Hub and wait. Eventually, each of our names gets called one by one and we go in. I walk into the room and see mirrors around me. I stare, a little longer than I should, and immediately look away when I realize it. There's a chair in the middle of the room, and a girl typing at the computer.

"Take a seat," The girl says. Abnegation. I sit into the chair and lean back. "This won't hurt for too long," The girl tells me. I close my eyes and feel a sharp sting in my neck. She injected the needle filled with the serum. When I open my eyes again, I'm in a room with mirrors again. But it's a different one, not the same as before. In front of me, I see 3 items. Meat, cheese, and a knife.

"Choose," a voice says.

I grab the knife and a dog appears. It growls and flashes its teeth at me and I now know how each of the items could help. I have to kill it. I drop the knife, and slowly back away from the dog. It doesn't know what it's doing. You can't kill it. This isn't real. Then a little girl appears on the other side of the room.

"Aww come here doggie," She says

The dog turns around and starts to run towards her. I sprint towards the dog and jump on top of it. I then find myself on a bus. An old man sits on the bus with a newspaper in his hand. He looks familiar.

"Do you know who this man is?" He asks. I look at the picture and they look familiar as well. I'm unsure whether or not to tell him, so I hesitate. This isn't real. It doesn't matter if I tell him or not.

"Yes. I think I've seen him somewhere" I say

"Good" the old man smirks. He pulls out a gun and I hear a bang. Then I'm back in the test room.

"How did you do that?" the girl asks.

"Do what?" I say

"Were you aware of the simulation? At all?" She asks.

I stare back at her confused, though I already know my answer.

"Why am I even asking, of course, you were," She says

"What do you mean?" I tell her, lying.

"They call it Divergent," She says. Now I don't have to be confused. I thought being aware of the simulation wasn't perceived as a big deal. Sure it's not a very common topic, that's why Marcus says to hide it, but I didn't think there was a name for it. "It's when you have the aptitude for more than one faction" She continues "You must not share this with anyone. I inputted Abnegation into the system so they won't notice anything, but as of now, no one will know. Don't ever speak of it, not to your family or your friends, or you could be in danger."

I begin to worry and she doesn't notice. "Go out through the back door, and if anyone asks to say you don't feel good from the serum, Ok?"

I nod, and begin to get up but then hesitate. "What were my results?" I ask

"What?" The girl asks, looking back.

"My results," I say "What were they?"

"Dauntless, Candor and Abnegation," She tells me

I nod and walk out. Dauntless? Candor? I wasn't expecting that. I wait for another hour or two until Hannah and Ely walkout. We already said we were gonna tell each other which faction we got before today, even though the rules clearly say not to.

They make their ways out and Ely already says, "I got Candor"

Hannah then says, "I got Erudite"

Then I say "I got Abnegation". It's technically not a lie since I did get Abnegation. And Dauntless and Candor.

We all nod at each other's responses, and then Ely says "Are we gonna meet up tomorrow at the Hub before the ceremony starts?". Hannah and I both nod. Then we say our goodbyes and we each go to our houses. I walk in and Marcus is sitting on the couch. "So," He says when I walk in "What happened?".

"I was aware during the Simulation," I say "and I got Abnegation" I lie.

"Have you accepted your result?" He asks.

"Yes," I lie again " I know the test doesn't determine what you decide, but it's good to know I have the aptitude for what I was gonna choose".

That..was the biggest lie I ever told.