I slowly get up, knees and palms still hurting from falling on them. When I turn around I see a man standing on the ledge of the roof. I recognize him already. Eric. He still has tattoos and multiple piercings in his eyebrow. Everybody starts to crowd around him, and he begins to speak.
"Welcome to the Dauntless compound initiates." He says "I see most of you've made it off the train and on to the roof without breaking anything, but you're not in yet". Confused looks go around and Eric doesn't mind them. "The only way into the compound is through that hole," He says pointing to the ground. Everyone starts to look over the ledge, and so do I. There is a massive hole in the ground, at least 50 feet tall.
"What's down there?" An Amity boy asks. I think Jonathan is his name. He has dark skin, and his hair is curly.
"I don't know," Eric says "Could be water, could be concrete, I guess you'll find out soon enough"
Everyone has unsure looks on their faces. They can't kill each of us, there has to be something safe down there.
"Now," Eric continues "Who's first?". He steps down and everyone backs up a little. All I know is that I made the decision to join this place, and I wanna see my brother again. I know he's alive, what's the worst that can happen?
"I'll go," I say
"Ah the stiff" Eric says "Wait a minute I know you, your Fours-" He stops. He knows that I'm "Four's" sister, but I think he also knows Four doesn't want to reveal his faction of origin. He'll use it against him someday. "Go ahead stiff, let's see what you go," He says, motioning to the ledge. I slowly walk up and I see nervous looks on everyone's faces. I step onto the ledge and feel the wind in my clothes, slapping against my skin. I take a deep breath, and then just fall. I just step into the air and feel myself going down. After what feels like an eternity, I finally hit something. It has holes and feels like rope, and it hurts a little when I land. A net. I then feel the side of the net being pulled and begin to roll down. Then I feel somebody's arms wrap around my waist and pull me into a hug. I immediately know who it is. Tobias. I wrap my arms around him as well and hug him as tight as I can. We pull away smiling.
"Welcome to Dauntless," He says smiling.
"Thanks," I say "Four"
He smiles and calls out "First Jumper Ro!". He whispers to me and says "Did you wanna go by Ro or Rose"
" Definitely the first one," I say smiling
I'm in. I'm Dauntless. Right?