Chapter 20

By now it's time to eat so we all head over to the cafeteria. I grab some Dauntless cake, bread, and mashed potatoes. I sit down with Katherine, Jake, and Jonathan, but eventually, Dean comes and sits with us as well. Across the room I see Tobias sit at a table with 2 guys and 3 girls. I immediately recognize one of them from visiting days. Marlene. The two boys have darker skin and short brown hair. They look like brothers. Another girl who's also sitting next to Marlene has buzzed hair and dark eyeliner on. The last girl has long, light brown hair with blonde streaks in it. I notice that she and Tobias sit next to each other on the side of the table, a little closer than normal. He puts his arm around her shoulder and they continue to sit like that. Oh my god, their together. Together, together.

I finish my food and then Eric stands up to announce something.

"INITIATES!" Eric screams. Everyone grows quiet. "We start training tomorrow at 7 am. I expect you to be there 10 minutes early." He sits back down and the sound continues to grow again.

"You guys ready for initiation?" Jakes asks

"As ready as I'll ever be," I say taking a sip from my water.

"Well, I don't think you'll last very long stiff. You have no muscle and aren't that tall either. You have nothing special about you that can beat someone else." Dean says

"You know what's funny, Dean, I never asked. I don't care about anything you say because I already know I'm not important. And guess what. Your not important either," I say getting up from the table. " Keep your opinions to yourself, or someone will kill you here".

I leave the cafeteria and go back to the dorms. I decide to lay down for a little since for the rest of the day we have nothing to do. After a little while, Jake and Katherine come in. I sit up and give them a small smile and they sit on the bed across from me.

"Are you ok?" Jake asks me

"Yeah of course, why?" I say back

"I've learned that sometimes people can act like nothing can touch them on the outside, but on the inside, they're hurting. It's whats you get from listening to people tell you everything that's wrong with you, all your life." Jake says. I notice his smile slowly fades. Katherine puts her arm on his shoulder, giving him a small side hug. For some reason that bothers me, and I don't know why. He gives her a small smile, and she smiles back.

"There are jerks everywhere you go," Katherine says taking her arm off of Jake's shoulder "even in Amity believe it or not. You can hide it for a while until you explode. Are you sure your ok, Ro?" "Mhm," I reply "Thank you guys for asking, but trust me I'm ok," I say getting up. "How about we all go and do something?" I say.

They nod and get up and we walk out. We decide to go to the chasm and stand by the railing. We have to yell to hear each other over the rushing water, but I still have a good time with them. For once I feel like I've found my group here. It may be temporarily but these people are now my friends, and they like me for who I am.

We see a bunch of drunk guys acting stupid near the railing, pretending to tip over and dive into the chasm.

"You better not turn out like them Jake," I say pointing

"Oh no I totally would. I would love to almost die every time I drink" Jake says

Katherine and I laugh and I notice Tobias come in. He's with the same group of people as before and they're all talking. I turn back around to Jake and Katherine and I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn and see Tobias standing behind me. I smile and I notice that both Jake and Katherine have wide eyes on their faces.

"Can I talk to you?" Tobias asks, ignoring their looks.

"Sure, come on," I say. We head over to where its quiet enough to talk without having to yell and Tobias talks first.

"Ok so," Tobias says "How is it in Dauntless so far?"

"It's ok, that Dean kids getting on my nerves," I say

"Dean? Candor?" Tobias asks

"That's him. Why can't they teach Candor that it's ok to shut up sometimes?" I say

Tobias laughs and says "I know, I dealt with some last year in initiation. I mean we're cool now cause' she's a friend of my girlfriend-" Tobias says, cutting off. He notices my eyebrows raise and stops.

"Girlfriend?" I ask

"Mhm," He says still looking down. "Are you mad?"

"Mad?! Why would I be mad? Mad at you for finally being happy like I've been saying for the past 5 years?" I say.

He laughs a little and smiles while looking down. I continue, "I mean I already noticed today in the cafeteria," He looks back up "But, why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Because," He starts to say "She's one year older than you."

"Oh. Well, that's fine, this way if you guys get married and have a kid, I won't be one of those aunts who you call a cousin because I'm too young." I say

He laughs and gives me a quick hug with one hand.

"Your the best, you know that?" He says

"I've had a great brother to help me," I say smiling.

"I'll see you later Ro," He says about to walk away before turning back around "Oh also, don't mention we're siblings until after you get into Dauntless. People might think that I'm helping you get through and that won't be fair for you." He says

"Sure, I'll be careful," I say smiling. He nods and then walks back to his friends, so I head over to mine.

When I get back Jake immediately asks "What was that about?"

"Someone told him that Dean was being rude to some people, and he asked if I was one of them. I said yes but I didn't care so he just left it at that." I say

Katherine and Jake nod, and we turn back to the railing. It's almost time to get back to the dormitories, and then initiation begins tomorrow. Will I make it through?