"Initiates," Eric says "Get ready to go through hell".
Katherine, Jake, and I look at each other, and Dean, Matthew, and Liam walk in laughing. They immediately stop when they see Tobias and Eric standing in the middle, with stern looks on their faces. I don't think I've ever seen my brother this serious until I came here. After 5 minutes more initiates start to pour in.
"We said 10 minutes early, why weren't you here then?" Tobias asks. All of the initiates look down, not saying anything. "Don't do it again" Tobias warns. Then Eric starts to explain the initiation process.
"Today we will be practicing fighting! You will eventually fight each other, and by the end of this stage, if you aren't above the red line your done" Eric says pointing to the board. "Get a partner the same size and gender as you, for now, we will learn the basics first."
Katherine and I pair up, and Jake goes over to find a partner. He then somehow ends up partnering with Liam. That won't end up well. They begin to show us punches and kicks telling us to not hit the other person too hard. We move on to punching bags and the time passes by quickly. When I'm at the punching bag, Eric comes up behind me.
"You don't have much muscle do you Stiff," Eric says
"So I've been told," I say focusing on the bag
He smirks and walks away. Katherine and I glance over at each other and keep going. I'm already so exhausted when Tobias walks over to me.
"Let me help you so that asshole doesn't bother you anymore," Tobias says smirking.
I laugh and say "Ok, work your magic than"
Tobias smiles and says "You have to put your entire body strength in your punch. Move your hips as well. My girlfriend had the same issue"
"Ah, are you ever gonna introduce me to her?" I ask
"Eventually yes. Right now let's fix the punching though" Tobias smirks again.
"Ok fine," I punch the bag, doing what he told me "Like that?" I ask.
"Perfect" Tobias nods. I give him a quick smile and he walks away to correct others. I continue to do the same thing and time passes. We eventually finish training for the day and get something to eat in the dining hall. Today their serving meatloaf for dinner, so I grab some and sit down at our table. I see Liam, Matthew, and Dean coming in my direction, and Jake and Katherine notice too so they both sit in the spots the next to me. I glance up quickly at Liam and see him roll his eyes slightly at Jake. They sit down across from us and Liam immediately starts being rude to Jake.
"Good training session today Jake," Liam says
"You too" Jake replies quickly, starting to cut into his meatloaf.
"Aw, what happened Candor can't look me in the eyes? Are you that embarrassed?" Liam says
Jake puts down his fork and knife and looks up, with a subtle glare in his eyes. "What do I have to be embarrassed about?"
"Oh, I don't know you went down pretty hard today when I flipped you," Liam says
"I had to let you flip me. It's not like I was trying to fight back" Jake talks back
"Well that look on your face when you hit the ground didn't come voluntarily," Liam says beginning to cut into his meatloaf " So, Ro how are you?" he says smiling like what he just said didn't matter to me
"Fine, thanks," I say, not bothering to be nice
"Oh don't be mad at me now just because of what I said to Jake," Liam says "I'm just saying what happened"
"Mhm of course," I say sarcastically. Jake looks down not wanting to say more, obviously a little embarrassed. Then something comes over me, and I put my hand on his, holding it. To my surprise, he doesn't let go, and glances at me smiling. I try hard to hold in a grin, failing a little. Liam notices and just scoffs.
"Well anyway," Liam continues "Deans older brother is holding a party at his apartment this weekend, and your invited Ro," Liam says
"Parties aren't my thing," I say, eating
"Why aren't they? Parties are so fun" Liam says, with that annoying smile of his
"Ya because it's so fun to get drunk, high, or pregnant when your 16. Thanks but I'll pass" I say
"Aw come on it'll be fun, you don't have to drink. We could go together and I'll make sure not a single drop goes near you" Liam says
I laugh a little and smile while looking down. "See now your laughing, knowing it's not a big deal," Liam says eating.
"No, I'm laughing because you think I would actually go to a party with you," I say coldly at Liam. His grin immediately falls so I continue "Listen, Liam, you can keep acting like I like you, but I don't. So stop trying" I say getting up. I notice that Jake has a small grin on his face, and even Katherine does as well. I put my plate in the place where everyone else is dropping them off, and Jake and Katherine follow behind me. We begin to walk out of the Dining hall and I steal a glance at Liam. His face is full of hate, and I'm sure it's for me and Jake. This is going to be one long week.