Today for initiation we're fighting each other. Everybody's names are paired up with someone on the board and that's who we'll be fighting. I get paired with an erudite girl named Abby. She has light skin with freckles and has short black hair up to her shoulders. She looks tough but looks like she can have a weak side. Liam is with an Erudite boy named Aaron, Jake is with a Dauntless boy named Noah, and Katherine is with an Erudite girl named Emma. I don't know if I'm ready to do this yet. Eric and Dean are right, I don't have much muscle on me. I haven't fought ever in my life before, and now I'm going to be ranked on it? Abby and I have to fight 3rd after 2 dauntless boys named James and Oliver, and Matthew and a girl named Olivia- who's dauntless. Olivia and Oliver look similar, so I'm guessing they're siblings.
For the first 2 fights, it's brutal. They end up with so much blood and bruises on their faces it's hard to recognize them anymore. They took out the rule in Dauntless, where you can forfeit the fight. You only stop if someone's unable to continue. I look over at Katherine and she's chewing on her fingernail. She has to go right after me. Then, It's my turn. Abby is well built and has some muscle. She came from Erudite as well, which worries me. She was taught to think strategically and to hate Abnegation.
"Fight," Eric says, and we begin. We begin to circle the floor until she throws the first punch in which I dodge. I notice that when she punches her entire rib cage is open to hit. She throws again, and I duck, punching her rib cage. She falls back a little and I know this is my opportunity to hit her again, so I hit her in the jaw. This time she looks a little weaker so I try not to hurt her too badly, and decide to knock her off her feet. I drop and kick my leg out from under me, pushing her foot off the ground with it. She immediately falls back and is unable to get up. I must have hit her hard in the rib cage for it to hurt that much. I look over at Eric and he raises his eyebrows at me. He wants me to finish it. I hesitate, and my breaths shake. Do I want to hurt her more? At that thought, she quickly moves her foot knocking me off my balance. I hit the floor, and she comes at me but I kick her off before she can. It doesn't do much because she punches me on the right side of my face, making my hearing go weak. I take out my arm from under her and hit her as hard as I can in the jaw again. I push her down against the floor, and punch her again, harder this time. She blacks out and the fights over. I can't ever hesitate again.
I wipe my nose and notice that it's bleeding. I also have a small streak of blood near my ear, and hair has fallen out of my ponytail. I look over at Eric and he's smiling, but Tobias has an unsteady look on his face. Eric enjoys seeing pain, Tobias doesn't. I get off the mat and go over to Jake, who's fighting after Katherine. I notice that I'm exhausted and have more blood coming out of my nose, but I don't care. I stand next to Jake and am unable to keep my head up anymore. It aches from being punched repeatedly. I lay the side of my head that's not covered with blood on Jakes's shoulder, and close my eyes for a little bit, unable to watch more.
"You did good" Jake says, putting his head on mine.
I laugh a little and say "Thanks" Weakley
Abby is now up and able to walk, but she goes and sits by the bench. If she didn't get back up or act like she was in pain, I would've felt bad for her. But this is Dauntless, in the end. You cut someone, or they cut you.
By the time everyone is done with the fights, we're all exhausted. Everyone has dried blood and bruises covering their face and body, and we're all starving. We lean on each other for support as we walk over to the Dining hall. What's worse is that we have to do this all over again tomorrow and for the next 2 days. We make it to the dining hall and sit down with our food when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I see scared looks on everyone's faces, but I know it's just Tobias so I don't care.
"Hey!" I say turning around
"Hi," He says "I need you to meet some people"
"I'll be right back guys," I say getting up from the table. They all nod with wide eyes, and I see Tobias trying to hold back a smile. He likes feeling like the one with power sometimes. It's not like I blame him. He takes me to the pit, where some people are standing together. I see Marlene among them. She smiles at me and I smile back, and we walk over. They all turn to look at me, and I'm guessing Tobias has already told them who I am. I've seen them at the table with Tobias, a girl with long blonde hair, Marlene and a girl with a shaved head, and 2 boys with bright smiles and dark skin who look like brothers. When I reach over to them, one of the brothers smiles at me widely.
"Hi," He says "I'm Uriah". He extends his hand out and I shake it, getting more comfortable with the gesture now.
"I'm Ro," I say
"Is that a nickname?" Uriah asks
"Ya, it's short for Rose," I say smiling. I feel comfortable enough to tell them my real name. Everyone begins to share their names.
"I'm Zeke," The other brother says. "I'm Lynn," The girl with the buzzed hair says. Marlene jokes and says "You already know who I am" smiling. Lastly, the girl with the long blonde hair says "My names Tris". I shake her hand and slowly notice that shes like Tobias. Comfortable around certain people, too careful in how she does simple things. I also recognize her from somewhere and find myself asking her.
"Have I seen you somewhere?" I ask
"I came from Abnegation," She says
"Ah. I knew I saw you around" I say. Everyone still looks a little confused as to why I'm here so Tobias finally says something.
"This is my sister," He says putting an arm around my shoulders. Everyone starts to say "Ohhhh" and "I see it now" and I just stand there smiling. I guess it doesn't matter to tell his friends that we're siblings since they're not in my initiation. We talk for a little longer, and I realize that I am comfortable around them. At least, as comfortable you can get around your older brother's friends. Uriah and Zeke have giant smiles that make everyone feel good and Marlene jokes around a lot, making you laugh. After 5 minutes I realize that it's been 15 minutes now that I've been away from the Dining hall, and my friends so I let them know.
"It was nice meeting you," Uriah says.
"You too," I say smiling "I'll talk to you guys again later?" I ask
"Yup," Marlene says
I look over at Tobias and he's smiling. He's not like those brothers who get uncomfortable when they're sibling hangs out with their friends. I think he wants nothing more for me to get along with them. They are the ones who helped him out the most in Dauntless, I'm guessing. I head back to my table, and when I sit down everyone starts to ask questions.
"What was that?" Liam asks.
"Just meeting some people. I think Four was just sent to get me" I say
"Then why did he say I need you to meet some people?" Dean asks
"I don't know," I say
"You were gone for a pretty long time, stiff" Dean says
"Aww, did someone miss me," I say in a baby face while pouting my face
He just does an eye roll again, and I smile. He makes it so easy to annoy him.