Chapter 32

I wake up the next morning, this time 10 minutes later than normal. When we finally got back yesterday I fell asleep as soon as I hit the bed, and so did everyone else. When we made it to the compound yesterday I found out that Liam and Emma were dating. Emma's kind and shy, but Liam can be rude and outgoing. I hope they'll pull through though.

When I wake up, the same people are already sitting on their beds like every morning except Jake. Today Emma is up too. I get up and stretch a little, and grab some clothes from under my bed.

"Morning guys" I say

"Hey" Katherine says tiredly

"Morning Ro" Emma says kindly

"Morning" Liam says

"Hey" Jonathan says

"Whatever" Dean says

"Did you guys shower yet?" I ask

"Ya we woke up earlier today" Katherine says

"Ok, I'll be out in a little" I say

"Don't you wanna wake up Jake?" Emma asks

"No it's ok, let him sleep. I'll wake him up after he showers pretty fast anyways" I say.

I walk into the bathroom and get into the shower. Today I shower quicker than normal since I woke up later, and comb my hair out and tie it into 2 french braids. I wear a racerback tank-top today with black skinny jeans, and my normal boots.

When I get out Katherine asks "Where did you learn to do that?" pointing at my hair

I laugh and say "A Dauntless girl taught me at school once"

"You have to teach me" she says

"I can do it for you right now, while everyone else showers?" I ask

Her eyes brighten up and I take that as a yes. I smile and say "Let me wake up Jake real quick"

I go over to Jake and shake him a little, but that doesn't do anything since he's a heavy sleeper. I shake him a little harder but he just mumbles something and goes back to sleep. I look over at Katherine confused, and she motions to slap him. I laugh and I shake him harder and say "Jake wake up!". He groans and pulls the blanket over his head. I smile and sit down on the bed to hug him. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me on the cheek. After a couple of seconds I let go and say "Come on you have to get up"

"I'm so tired" he says putting his hand on his eyes.

"I know long night yesterday" I say.

I walk over to Katherine and tell her to sit down on the bed so I can do her hair. I grab her comb, which she leaves by her bed, and brush her hair out. Her hair is straight, and mine is kind of wavy, so it's easier to do it on her. I grab pieces of hair and tie them together, forming a long braid on each side.

"There we go" I say "And to make it better do this"

I pull out some small strands of hair from the front and she goes to look in the mirror.

"I love it. Thank you." Katherine says. I smile at her and we wait for everyone else to finish showering. By now it's only 6:30, so we have plenty of time to eat. Today is the last fight, then we get a 3 days break, then it's the next part of initiation. I don't know if I can even take much more. We all walk down together, and get our usual breakfast. This time I can sit next to Jake again.

"Ro, Jake, your win last night was awesome" Emma says

I blush and smile while looking down and Jake grins.

"Oh please. It was nothing" Dean says

"I'm sorry did she not shoot you in the stomach twice? And a third time actually when you tried to shoot her. And you missed, not to mention" Jonathan says, picking at his muffin. Katherine laughs a little but stops to not be rude.

"Ok, she's great at giving pain, not so good at recieving it. Sounds a lot like someone you know. What was his name? Marcus was it?" Dean says

I glare at him, and I feel like I wanna kill him right about now. He just gives a fake smile and bites into his muffin

"Dude stop. It's not cool" Jake says

"Why, I'm just stating a fact. Your weak." Dean tells me

"Ok, what do you suppose I do to show you I'm not?" I ask

"Is punching you repeatedly an option?" Dean smikrs

"No." Jake answers for me

"Fine," Dean says glaring at Jake then looking back at me "Get a tattoo."

"That's it?" I say

"That's it." Dean says

"Ok. I'll do it" I say "Is that enough for you?"

"Yes. But if you cry, your weak" He says

"Ok. But you have to get one too" I say

"What are you talking about? This is for you" He says

"What you scared and backing out?" I say "Either we both get one, or neither of us do"

"Fine." Dean says eating his muffin again. "Today after the fights. Meet at the parlor. Everyone will come to see"

"Deal." I say. We all finish eating and start walking to the training room for the last fight today. I see that I'm fighting Jade today on the board, but I'm not as scared as I was before. Jade is 2 ranks above me, and if I beat her I should be good enough for the next round. At least good enough where I won't get called weak again. We wait for everyone else to start piling in, and when they do the fights begin. Eventually it's my turn and I walk to the rink. There's something about Jade that I admire. When she believes in something she doesn't let people prove her wrong or change her opinion. Definetly something I could work on. She gives me a small nod and smile when we enter the ring, and I give her the same. We circle each other and then the fight begins.

(Sorry guys, I just skipped through the fight since it's the same thing)

This time when the fights over, I'm worse than usual. I didn't pass out like I did when I was fighting Maya, but definetly got more blood now than I did with her. I definetly feel like I'm going to pass out now though. I stumble over to where Jake is, and he holds me by the waist against him to keep me from falling. I beat Jade today, but barely. We threw punches back and forth at each other, and when I hit her the last time in the jaw she passed out. She woke up not much later though, so I hope she's still ok.

"You did good Ro" Jake says.

I try to smile, but cant because of the pain and mumble "Thank you". I lean my head on his shoulder, and he holds on to me and kisses my head. The fights end pretty quickly, people either pass out or win. Now we have to walk to the tattoo parlor with Dean and prove I'm not a coward. I don't know how Four will react when he finds out I got a tattoo though, but he might even be there. Turns out Tris sometimes works at the tattoo parlor , if they need some extra help.

"You wanna back out Stiff?" Dean says "It's not too late. Might as well before humiliating yourself"

"Talk all you want. When it comes down to it your nothing but a smart mouth" I say back

"We'll see" He says

On the way there I see Tobias with everyone else. Uriah waves at me and comes running over, and then everyone else comes following behind me.

"Hey guys" Uriah grins

"Hey" My friends mumble. They don't know him that well, so they're still awkward. I think I've liked Uriah more though ever since that night of Candor or Dauntless. He still doesn't know I heard him.

"New kind of hair Ro?" Uriah asks

"Why not?" I say

"I might as well mess it up" Uriah says

He puts his hand on top of my head and starts to tousle it up, keeping his arm on my neck so I can't get away. I keep laughing but eventually push him off and then we're both laughing. Uriah is more like a brother kind of friend than anything else. Eventually even Katherine and Jake are laughing, while Dean keeps a straight, annoying face like always.

"Where are you guys heading?" Marlene asks

"Tattoo Parlor" Katherine says

"Ooo who's getting the tattoo?" Shauna asks

"Dean and Ro" Emma says. Then I wish she hadn't. I look down so I don't have to see Tobias's reaction, and then glance up to see him staring at me with his eyebrows raised.

"It was Dean's Idea!" I say "It's a challenge!" I plead

"Hm ok. Still don't know how I feel about this though" Tobias says

"Oh come on what's the big deal. You got a tattoo in initiation. The famous rib cage one" Zeke says. (I'm not making that up, Tobias actually got a ribcage tattoo during his initiation lol. It's in the book Veronica Roth wrote in Four's perspective)

"See, what's the big deal." I say

"The big deal is your my little sister" Tobias says glaring at me.

I sigh and Tobias says "Ok fine. But nothing too crazy"

"Thank you" I say. I hug Tobias, and he hugs me back tightly. Since we've been in Dauntless so long now we don't feel uncomfortable when hugging anymore.

"You two are sibling goals" Katherine says laughing

We both laugh and Jake says "Ya she's right. My sister's just crazy."

"Now what did you call me Jake?" A girl says, joining in. She has short brown hair and olive skin, and doesn't have many similar facial features to Jake, even though they're siblings.

"Geez Chris do you have to be everywhere, always?" Jake says

"Ay, these are my friends" Chris says

"Wait a minute,Christina, he's your brother?" Marlene asks

"Ya, why?" Christina says.

"Ok how about we do the introductory" Marlene says "Ro, this is Tris's best friend, Christina"

I say "hi" quietly and she smiles back. "Chris, this is Ro, Four's little sister"

"No way" Christina says "The legendary Four has a sister. That's something I didn't think would happen. ". She hasn't connected the dots about Marcus and Tobias and Me yet. She wasn't there most of the time anyways so I can't blame her.

I laugh a little and then Dean has to open his mouth.

"Oh and both your siblings are dating each other" Dean says

They both stop and Jake and I look at each other.

"Are you kidding me-""Why the hell did you have-""Your so freaking annoying-" Jake and I say to Dean, overlapping each other. We eventually stop and everyone stays silent.

"You guys are dating?" Christina asks

"Mhm""Yup" Jake and I say.

"Hm well," Christina says "I'll say the usual. Break his heart and I'll break you". She still somehow manages to say it kindly.

"Her, you mean him." Tobias says pointing at Jake

"Oh plea-" Christina starts

"We should go get the tattoos now!" I say chiming in.

Everyone nods and we continue walking to the Tattoo Parlor. This will be a fun night.