We walk with Liam to Jess's apartment, feeling eyes on us as we leave the chasm. Tobias comes back and catches up to me.
"What's going on?" Tobias asks
"Long story, I'll let you know right after," I tell him
"Okay, be careful," Tobias tells me
I smile at him and continue to walk with the group. Everyone stays silent until Liam decides to open his mouth.
"Are you guys gonna tell Four and Eric what I did?" Liam asks
"Do you even have to ask that?" Jake says
"Please don't they'll lower my rank because of it," Liam says, actually begging
"Maybe then you shouldn't have done what you did, or said what you said," I tell him. He stays silent and we finally reach Jess's apartment.
"Get all you're stuff, and then get the hell out," Katherine says as we follow him in.
"Ok I get it, I get it," Liam says. He gathers all of his things and then walks out the door without saying anything.
"Oh my god," Jake says, plopping down onto the couch "That was a lot"
"I know," I say, sitting down right next to him. He puts his arm around me, and I sink my head into his shoulder.
"Jess, are you ok?" Katherine asks
"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks, guys" Jess tells us
"No problem" I smile at her
"Hey, do you guys mind staying here tonight? Just in case he tries to come back" Jess asks
"No, we don't mind. Just wait until my brother finds out, Liam won't be able to walk here or anywhere anymore" I laugh.
Everyone else laughs too and Jonathan says "Do you guys feel like getting something to eat real quick? Arguments make me hungry"
"What doesn't make you hungry?" Jake says
"Haha, very funny," Jonathan says, fake smiling.
"I'm down, I could go for a muffin right about now," Dean says
"Okay, Jess you feel like going?" I ask
"Sure, come on," Jess says, grabbing her jacket
We all walk out and go down to the Dining hall. We have to go through the pit this time to get there, and I see Tobias standing there. He looks over at me and smiles, and I do the same back.
"Give me a few minutes guys, you can go on ahead," I tell them
"Okay," They all say in a chorus
I go over to where Tobias and his friends are standing and I start to explain what happened.
"Liam has been abusing Jess," I say
"What?" Tris says
"Yeah, I noticed the way he was grabbing and controlling her," I tell them "Liam blew up by the chasm today and that's why everyone was looking at us. We're fine now though, we dealt with it"
"Wow," Uriah says "I never liked that guy or his friend. What was his name, Din?"
"Dean," I laugh "And he's actually really nice"
"You're joking, right?" Marlene says
I laugh again and say "Surprisingly, no"
Just then a boy with brown eyes and brown hair comes up behind them. Surprisingly, he looks a lot like Liam. When everyone sees him, Tobias immediately puts his arm around Tris's waist, and she backs up a little and keeps her gaze down.
"Have you guys seen my brother?" The boy says, ignoring the behavior of everyone
"What's his name, exactly?" Marlene asks
"Ah, you're in the same initiation class as him," The boy says to me "Have you seen Liam?"
That makes more sense, this boy's Liam's brother.
"Liam's your brother, Peter?" Tobias asks before I say anything. Peter, that's the boy's name.
"Yeah, why?" Peter tells him
"No wonder both of you are giant asses," Tobias tells him
"Yeah, didn't come for you to hear you say that. Have you seen my brother?" Peter tells me again
"No, I don't really care where he is," I tell him
"Wow you're no help," Peter says rudely "At least you're pretty. Have you considered dating my brother?"
"She's not interested," Tobias says for me
"How would you know exactly?" Peter tells him
"She's my sister," Tobias says "So you can leave now"
"Hm, I wonder how you would react if I threw her over the chasm, just like Tris," Peter says. Tobias's jaw clenches and Peter laughs and says "Ha, that makes you mad doesn't it?"
"Are you always like this?" I ask him
"Like what?" Peter says smiling at me
"Annoying?" I say beginning to walk away. Before I turn away I see his smile turn into an angry expression and smile. I guess all of Liam's family are easy to beat.