Recap *pilot chapter

[classroom noises]

Sitting close to the window, a very handsome teen is lost among his thoughts. Not paying much attention to the class that's taking place. But not being a fool, he still pretends to be taking notes about the teacher's explanation.

'Ok, let me review my plan.

Ordinarily, learning a new technique requires an instructor and long days of practice.

However, now i'm far from ordinary. I have the power to learn techniques just by watching someone else perform them a few times, be it personally or not. From cutting a tomato into a rose like the TV chef to pulling Kung Fu moves from action flicks. Photographic reflexes for the win baby!

For now, my phone is my greatest tool, with videos of various skills (drawing, fighting, driving, etc) for me to watch. Perhaps one day i can build my own version of the omnitrix (don't judge me, nostalgia is my kryptonite).

I can't believe my theory of watching a scene in fast-forward to perform it at higher speed didn't work. Well at least i was right about understanding someone's moves to predict what they would do next, it made me very popular in sports.

But not so much when it comes to artistic pursuits because while i can copy techniques, I simply lack the passion to create something entirely new. I can play the guitar incredibly well mind you, but only doing covers with little space for improvisation.

Naturally, I still have a long road ahead of me.

With time, the amount of control I have with my quirk will increase along with my understanding of other quirks. I still have to focus a lot to use it, even a sneeze is enough to disrupt my quirk. Quite lame.

This quirk allows me to be capable of being very versatile and difficult to predict, capable of easily catching opponents off guard and beating them at their own game and pissing them off immensely.

Imagine once I'm capable of taking their quirks up to eleven. But better avoid facing someone with moves that they already know inside and out, should at least be creative and resourceful if the need arises.

Nevertheless, I've found certain limitations with this amazing gift. Though i can store as many abilities as i can copy, within a period of time, for now it becomes mentally taxing. Not to mention I can only use one at a time.

Disgusting fact, I can permanently copy another's quirk simply by eating any sample of their DNA. Great news if I ever take the "stain's modus operandi", but not ideally with the whole "Boy Scout" attitude I'm going with. Especially if I want to combat the general prejudice of others already seeing me as a fake and a thief. Food for thought though. I wonder if it applies to kissing someone.

Further observation showed me that certain quirks are harder to mimic, specifically the mutant type. And even for those I'm capable of imitating, it appears I'm susceptible to the same weakness of my target's quirk. Need to mitigate it somehow.

I'll keep an eye for any form of mental link with my "donors". Better to avoid any chance of a personality shift, worst case I might eventually suffer from identity loss. Not likely, but dangerously possible.

The major obstacle I face is my inability to tap into my targets personal reserves of energy, whatever their nature might be. But my contingency plan for that isn't far though. Especially if I take into consideration that I'm sharing classes with a certain quirkless geek.'

Breaking from his mental ramblings just in time to answer the teacher's question for the class, receiving compliments from him and gaining looks of admiration from most of his classmates as a reward. The exception being a very aggressive bully, with one of the hottest mothers he has ever seen, glaring daggers at him.

'I never get tired of this!'



* I salute and welcome you my dearest reader! I hope this very short introduction helps to frame my mindset towards this fic. Don't distress, the future chapters won't be as short as this one.

I still haven't settled on any frequency quota for posting new chapters, because I wish to preserve the quality as much as I can.

Please, make yourself at home and feel free to point out any grammatical problem and similar stuff. All suggestions are very welcomed!

Thanks for giving me a part of your time!

Pls stay safe and farewell! 😉

Fun trivia:

The nudibranch, a mollusk that is called the "sea slug," feeds on jellyfish and other stinging creatures from the sea. It is capable of acquiring the "stinging" cells from the prey it eats and incorporates them into its own organism, becoming more deadly than its prey used to.

Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do function on the concept of "keeping what is useful". His personal style combined his best moves from Wing Chun, Tae Kwon Do, western boxing, fencing, and escrima.

Some drugs are similar to this as certain chemicals in them act like certain neurotransmitters. This will be beneficial if it offers your brain something it is lacking. But it can be harmful if it makes you addicted and makes the real neurotransmitters less effective.

In the competitive world, the winners' strategy is analyzed to be used or as to find a way to counter it. Those who want to remain winners must keep creating new strategies and performing these strategies better than anyone else.