
Amelia gets us each a drink, and we sit by the window, sipping it. I stir my milkshake with my straw absentmindedly, my thoughts going haywire. I'm brought back to reality when Amelia snaps her fingers in front of me.

'Honestly, you zone out too much. I asked you something.'

'Huh?' I blink.

A crease appears in between Amelia's eyebrows. 'I'm worried about you.'

I make a 'pffft' sound with my mouth and wave my hand indifferently. 'I'm alright, you dunce.'

Amelia laughs, her tone full of scorn. 'Sure. You're alright. I'm not stupid, Art.'

'Really?' I take a sip of my milkshake. The cool vanilla flavor flows down my throat. 'I thought you were.'

Amelia kicks me under the table, and I reflexively kick her back. She lets out a loud 'Ow!' and rubs her leg, glaring at me, her exclamation making the pair nearest to us turn around and stare at her. I laugh a little and resume drinking my milkshake.

'Seriously, Art. It really feels like you're not too well. Just tell me what's wrong.'

'That sentence framing is so wrong,' I say evasively. 'You should probably take English classes.'

Amelia heaves a deep sigh and buries her face in her hands momentarily. In that instant, guilt overwhelms me, and I almost spill everything. Luckily, I remind myself of where I am, and manage to keep myself from letting it all away. Besides, if I actually told her, wouldn't it just worry her more? It's probably best to not tell her. But then again…

'I'm just worried, okay? It's fine if it's something personal, but you look so worn out right now.'

I nod and look down at the table, slurping milkshake through my straw noisily to make the atmosphere less awkward. Eventually, something in my mind gives up and I set the chilly glass down, clearing my throat.

'I think I'm gay.'

I lift my eyes from the table to Amelia's face, trying to discern her reaction. She's just frozen, clutching her glass of Coke in her hand. I pick up my milkshake again and continue drinking like nothing happened.

Amelia says something, but I can't understand what it is because it's more like a croak.

'What? I didn't hear that.'

Amelia shakes her head, clears her throat, and speaks again. 'For who?'

'Kara.' I say without hesitation.

Amelia sighs in relief, and I realize that she'd frozen like that because she thought I liked HER. The thought makes me laugh, and Amelia begins to laugh too.

'I don't even know why I thought that.' She says, managing to not get embarrassed. 'So, Kara, huh? Yeah, she's pretty hot.'

I laugh again. 'You say that like you've met her.'

Amelia widens her eyes in mock seriousness. 'Hey, you never know. I might've seen her.'

'Yeah, sure.' I gulp the rest of my milkshake down, and it makes my throat strangely cold. I clear my throat multiple times to get the feeling out.

Amelia's face splits in a wide grin. 'You're actually gay? Really?'

I press my lips together, trying to hide my amusement. 'Damn, you look excited. I don't really know, though. It's just…Kara.' If I was like normal people and could blush all the time, I'd be blushing right now. My face feels hot, at any rate.

Amelia shakes her head, still grinning. 'Wow. Just. Wow.'

I don't know what to respond with, so I reach out to grab my glass of milkshake, then remember that it's empty. I withdraw my hand awkwardly and casually scratch at the back of my neck.

'Then why do you look so rough? Being gay isn't bad…' Amelia's grin slowly slips from her face as she realizes what's up. 'Oh. You're not sure if…'

'If Kara likes me back.' I complete her sentence and close my eyes. I shake my head a little. 'I don't know what to do.'

Amelia reaches out to place her hand over mine. 'She does. Or if she doesn't, she will. It's impossible not to like you.'

I smile at her. 'Oh, really?'

'Ok, I take that back.' Amelia laughs, and I laugh along with her.

'That's what I thought.'

Amelia withdraws her hand, still smiling. 'Don't worry about Kara. She definitely likes you, everyone can tell.'

'Really?' My tone brightens, and I feel a smile tugging at my mouth. 'Are you sure?'

'Well, why else do you think everyone ships you two?'

I laugh in surprise. 'I thought that was because we joke about being gay for each other.'

'Seriously?' Amelia smacks the table. 'You know less than I thought you would. You don't have to worry about this at all. In fact…' Amelia's face takes on a devilish grin.

I raise my eyebrows, then realize what she's thinking. 'Amelia. Amelia, no. I won't let you.'

She laughs. 'Don't worry, I won't.'

I almost believe her, but then I catch the glint in her eye. 'Amelia. I swear to god, if you tell Kara…'

She throws her hands up. 'I won't! I told you I won't! Do you seriously trust me that much?���

I roll my eyes, not believing her for one second. 'I'm not letting you join us in the next video.'

Amelia widens her eyes innocently. 'You wouldn't! I swear I won't tell her. I'm serious.'

I can tell she's not joking anymore, but I ask her even then. 'Promise?'

Amelia exhales loudly, then nods. 'Promise.'

I lean back, satisfied. 'Cool.'

'Will you let me on your video, then?'

I nod, then check myself. 'If you promise not to tell her.'

Amelia sighs in exasperation. 'I already promised.'

'Well then, I'll let you.'

Amelia lays a hand on her chest and sighs to show fake relief, and takes a huge sip of her Coke, swallowing before talking. 'Can't wait to talk to Kara, by the way. I like her better than you.'

'Oi.' I reach out and poke her on her shoulder. 'Admit it. You like me better.'

'Fine, fine.' Amelia laughs. 'I like you better.'

'Can't wait to tell that to Kara.' I say jokingly, and laugh when she shoots me a glare.