v. bitter reality

Chapter 3: The Bitter Reality

The hallway had become a corridor, which continued through a set of doors towards the rear of Dr. Phoenix' large hallway. Wide lobby, ancient figurines, and some artifacts were all eccentric to Minerva's outlook. She even wondered how Ayden survived in this strange place where everything she'd seen was truly remarkable, yet at the same, dangerous.

In her world, they could control natural elements, except fire. But here, people could control almost every element using those outlandish devices and machines which they called, technologies. Amusement filled her, one time, when Minerva caught Edmund controlling fire. He was standing in the kitchen area, as he put some chopped pork and various spices.

In that little machine made of metal, she watched him with hilarity every time a fire appeared. And just like that, a few minutes later, a delicious meal was served.

Fire and Edmund.

Minerva took a deep breath and willed herself to remain calm. Fire was like Edmund. It was something that she seldom saw, seldom experienced, and maybe, seldom felt. It was a kind of feeling that would never weaken as years passed by no matter how infrequently it was. Burning yet cold, it was an odd emotion which she even wondered if it was real - if she was real. Because as of this very moment, she was no longer that childish, little, Atlantean princess that everyone knew. She became something that she never fathomed of.

Hatred and vengeance. Love over mission. Past and future. Water and fire. She was hurt, and trapped. How was she supposed to live her life from here?

Grasping that she was the cold water whilst he was the burning fire, Minerva slightly moved away from Edmund. The front door of the visiting area was half-open when Edmund stopped; his hands pressing against the doorknob. Edmund's long sighs and a face marked with frustration, she could sense something was really wrong with him. Her eyebrows furrowed but she never argued. She went quiet, thinking how she would behave out of her embarrassment a while ago. Her childish heart wanted to utter an apology, but her mind refused.

They both saw Claire, sitting nonchalantly on an upholstered chair across a round table. Dressed in jeans and loose T-shirt, Minerva couldn't understand how bizarre human fashion was. In her world, only servants and chambermaids were allowed to dress like that - like a low-profile Atlantean.

Half of her body was lightened by the warm sun rays coming from the window. Her fingers were shaky. A poignant, yet troubled expression plastered on her face. She stared impassively at the rose freshly picked by Edmund from his garen, and decided to put them in a white vase. Completely opposite of what just happened before she went outside, the more she look back-and-forth between the two, the more she was convinced of her thought.

Curiosity was all over her, even after she saw Edmund's niece tilted her head and met her gaze, before smiling and standing up from the chair. Her smile faded instantly when she looked at Edmund looking back at her. Silence. No one dared to speak. All of them froze and Minerva was there, waiting for something to happen, waiting for them to respond.

She walked towards her - a young lady who had a pair of startling, dark amber eyes

Her senses came back when this girl's lips touched her pale cheeks - like fire. Alike to her uncle's aura, she was warm. Like the sun rays itself. Like a sweet rose. Like a young lady who could give happiness and love. She looked like as if she had the life that Minerva wanted.

"My name is Claire. I'm so sorry for my rudeness a while ago." She gave her an apologetic smile. It was her fault, too, but unlike her, Minerva didn't utter any apology. "I didn't mean it. I've never seen Uncle Edmund for a month," she continued. Her cheeks turned red as she took another glance of him, "I misbehaved. Didn't I, Uncle?"

He shook his head and smiled back at her, "It was okay, little girl."

"I'm sixteen! For good time's sake, can't you just accept it, Uncle?" she retorted. Her arms folded over her chest. "I'm not a little girl anymore."

Minerva couldn't stop herself from laughing a little. She wasn't a bitch. She was just a simple, little girl who had a protective uncle. Thinking of it, she was somehow a bit like her. The difference was that, her destiny gave her the chance to be what she was, to utter things what she liked, and to experience freedom for herself. And those Minerva had, she had none of it.

Immortality never gave her that before. It wasn't about how long a soul survived, but how long it lived.

"Anyway," Claire's face brightened again, "This is quite a surprise, Uncle. It's the first time that I see you with a beautiful woman." She winked, teasing him more, "I really thought that you're a gay."

Edmund raised a brow as she blushed, too. They didn't know how to react with her straightforward words. Stunned, however, it seemed so cute. Claire was too young to even know what she was talking. But still, it made her heart skipped a beat for a second.

Edmund and her.

"I didn't bring you here for that nonsense matter, Claire," Edmund broke the silence.

Claire pouted her lips. "Falling in love is never a nonsense matter to me," she muttered.


"Are you ready, uncle?" Claire asked Edmund again. Minerva kept watching them, suspecting something wasn't right.

Edmund slowly nodded, facing his niece, "Yes, I am ready."

"What are you both talking about?" Minerva interfered.

Both went completely silent, looking back at her.

It was Edmund who answered her back. He held her hand again. It was peculiarly cold but she had felt something odd with his stare. She waited for his response. "I-I'm sorry Minerva. I lied to you. I know your brother. He is my friend."

He saw how stunned she was. She stepped back away from them.

"How can you do this to me, doctor?"

"I don't want you to kill him. I don't want you to suffer because you did your stupid mission. He is my friend, your Highness. Ayden is still your brother-"

"You are not the one who will decide." Her eyes became fierce, absorbing some truth, absorbing his lies. "Where is my brother?"

Claire stepped forward, backing her away, protecting Dr. Edmund, "Look, Your Highness--"

Shocked by her words, this woman knew the truth all along. "You should not speak when you are not being called."

"Calm down, Minerva."

"And now you're saying my name? How disrespectful! Where is Ayden?" Minerva almost yelled. Her voice echoed in the whole area. Completely losing her control, she couldn't think straight anymore as disappointment displayed on her face. It hurt to know that the man she almost trusted, hid some secrets.

"We'll see your brother in a few moments."

Hard to believe, the more she felt the pain, the more she lost her trust, "If this is one of your lies again doctor, I will punish you, too."

"Trust me."

"How can I trust a man who can lie to me?"

"I didn't lie to you. I-I just didn't say anything... specific."

Minerva rolled her eyes. "I can't believe I actually trusted you with this when in fact, you put me away from the truth."



Without a word, Minerva waved her hand towards the fountain and the water came to life. It formed into a figure that almost looked like a woman. In a blink of an eye, it rushed down towards Edmund's place and embraced him so tight, causing the poor man to drown. The carpeted floor was wet, and Edmund tried to breathe. The water suddenly changed its form and became a water ball. Edmund, who was inside of it, tried his best to get out... tried to survive.