xv. old times

                 If Ayden had a wise plan, Minerva really wanted to know what it was. It was so appalling that it made her heart rapidly pound like they were actually chasing the time itself.

               First, she put the guards to sleep. Second, she stole those keys and freed her brother. Frustrating to know, the only key for the necklace was in Adolfo's hands. And third, they were running towards the nearest passage that passed right through Atlantis' heart. She wasn't sure what she was actually doing, but her love for her brother made her do things which were out of plan.

              Her breathe ragged, Ayden was actually holding her hand while they were escaping. If anyone would find this out, she as a queen, would automatically be dethroned and surely be exiled from this city. But if this is the only and last option to save Ayden and clean his name, then she would gladly do the right thing, even if doing this right thing meant she had to do it in a wrong way.

             Minerva heard him chuckled for the first time. It felt like it was a very long time ago since she heard it.

            "What's so funny?" she pouted.

They tried to be soundless like the night, but Ayden laughed for more.

             "Come here," he murmured before he pulled her closer and gave her a warm hug, "Sometimes you are an idiot, little sister. But maybe this stupidity of yours is the most epic that you've done. Whatever happens, you will have me. And this time, I will protect you, too."

              She almost cried as she hugged him, too. His words were enough to make her calm. Yeah. He was still his big brother who was been there for her ever since.

              "This was like old times," he smiled at her before he let her go.

              Old times – Those old times that they almost lost their lives, but she couldn't help herself but smile back.  Memories flashed back when she helped him escaped Atlantis for good before Ayden choose another path by wishing to the god who happened to be his real father. He'd wished that he would have feet outside Atlantis' surface and finally broke that curse that he had, too.

            She was there as well when the time that he was mourning for the death of his first love named Nimfa. She saw how he begged to her just to bring his beloved woman back to life. She saw how he shattered into pieces. Hell, she saw the weak side of him that no one even knew.

            No one dared to know.


            It was almost… almost.

            But then unexpectedly, Minerva and her brother, standing on the main gate across the huge fountain, were just about to do their plan completely, when the huge gate opened and exposing them both. They were there completely astounded to see Adolfo and to meet his raging eyes. But what was more stunning for Minerva was to see the man with him.

            Edmund… Who seemed to look like he was nearly to his death.

            Minerva froze.