xvii. her doubts

        As soon as Adolfo left her room, no matter how silent her room became, Minerva couldn't think straight. If only there was someone who she could lean on; if only a soul could understand her situation; maybe, just maybe, she wouldn't be this lost.

        She closed her tired eyes, pausing for a moment, seeking for serenity somewhere in her heart. If there was a time that she needed to compose herself, it was this very moment. Unhurriedly, she stood up and walked towards the door. She hesitantly held the doorknob, and pulled it, before she realized that it wasn't locked.

        Her heart was beating so fast again. This was too good to be true. It was a trap. She knew it. She could sense it. Adolfo wouldn't be this kind at giving punishment. Not even to her.

        She felt the weight of the necklace on her neck. The more she tried to use her powers, the more she lost her strength. And even though she wouldn't use it, this damn necklace continually drained her powers.  If she wouldn't do anything in this instant, everything would be lost. What would she do? What would she choose?

        Marry him?

        Betray her own kind?

        Or betray her own heart?

        Minerva shook her head and erased those horrible scenes out of her mind. Scary thoughts were not helping her, rather killing her and torturing her brain. Whatever she would prefer, in the end, she wouldn't be pleased. Maybe, this was the life that The Fates had given her. Maybe, dreaming and hoping for something good in her future was a total, blurred fantasy. No matter how ideal she was, her empty feelings became even emptier.

        She had to get out. She had to find Ayden and save him. She had to see Edmund and te'' him about her feelings before everything would be too late.

        Her heart scalded her upon knowing that time was not even on her side.  It was all because of her. They would be killed because of her. If only she could turn back the time, then somehow, she could change everything, and this would never happen.

        But that would never happen.

        How could she be so damn stupid?


         "Are you both ready to die?" It was Adolfo's words along with his wicked grin. It was true, about his research and he never stopped believing the myths; Atlanteans had feet inside the city. The curse only began when they decided to leave Atlantis. But here, they lived their lives in an insanely normal way.

        He could see Ayden, his weak body wrapped with heavy chains, and silently watched them both with his silver eyes. His condition was far worse than what he had right now.  These sick bastards were brutally beating his friend; he wondered what Ayden's identity besides Minerva's big brother was.  Why do Atlanteans wanted him dead?

        Adolfo laughed and his voice echoed in the whole place, filling this dungeon with bitterness. Rage. Selfishness. Vengeance. He had it all.

Edmund didn't mind how the hell he looked at him, and turned out to be after this.  He hissed in pain after his submarine had just completely lost out of control. He almost drowned in the bottom of the ocean, yet, without any rationale at all, this merman saved his life. And his instinct told him that he was under in a hell of a damn situation which he definitely discerned was far more excruciating than dying.

        Adolfo's expression went rigid upon him when he took a glance unto his feral eyes. Indeed, this creature had never forgotten their memories.

        "Too lucky, human?" he asked him, standing outside his cell, "I remembered that scar on your pity face. You should have never returned in the sea."

        Hiding his fears, Edmund smiled mockingly against him.

        "What a small world, huh?"  They were both staring at each other.  He should not let his fears win. No, he had to fight his panic, not only hiding it. "Afraid that I will speak out—" he continually uttered with sarcastic tone, "Afraid that  they will find out what you did, years ago—" He paused for a moment as his intense gaze made this merman's face went pale of a sudden. "—murderer."