Total darkness. That is the only description Kzel could find in his comfort. But in this darkness, a figure emanating a mist darker than the total darkness itself floated. Its sole attention was at him.


>>Sytem Recognizing Existence 75%<<

>>Player can now Level Up!<<

>>Followers Unlocked!

Can recruit 10,000 chaos servants with the lesser Chaos Bringer title.

Chaos Followers(2/10,000)

*Aviree(Chaos Vessel)

Lvl. 25 in Hiris--Converted to Lvl. 250 in Gaia

Potential: SSS++

(Very Loyal)

*Cleera(Exalted Flame of Chaos and Chaos Riser)

Lvl. 30 in Hiris--Converted to Lvl. 300 in Gaia

Potential: SSS+++

(In Love)




>>Culture Unlocked!





>>Relationship Unlocked!

Eerian Wives(2)


Lvl. 23 in Hiris




Lvl. 25 in Hiris

Potential: SSS++


Kzel immediately woke up after reading the last notification. 'Was that even necessary?'


Explosions reverberated in the cave as Aviree hurled concentrated green energy balls.

"Are those bugs?" She questioned to no one in particular and hurled another.

Outside the cave, Kzel saw Cleera tinkering with a green magic circle. After adding a few symbols on the outer layer, she released a gush of mana and a summoning circle appeared.


A Rending Ghoul on all fours stared at Cleera with hollow eyes, ready to do her bidding. She summoned another magic circle but this time it was red and she was more efficient in modifying it. The magic circle shattered from just a motion of her hand and the ghoul started to howl in agony. Its hollow eyes shone bright red and chaos coursed through its veins.

"Success!" Cleera clapped her hands and ordered the Chaos Ghoul, "Go find me a food."

The ghoul immediately took off and disappeared in the darkness. Cleera finally realized that Kzel was awake. She strolled toward him and sat on his lap.

"What happened to you?" Cleera asked, her brow was a bit raised.

"Nothing. I'm just hungry." Kzel answered, breathing in the scent of the woman on top of him.

Cleera smiled and reached down to hold his hand. However, they were alerted from a noise coming outside the cave. A figure slowly came to form until it revealed itself as the ghoul with a dear-like animal in tow.

"Good boy!" Cleera left Kzel's lap and put more dry woods to the fire beside them. Kzel couldn't help but swallow at the food and started butchering it. After removing the organs, he started peeling the skin.

The ghoul went back outside and presumed guard duty. A moment later, Aviree returned from her slaughter shaking her wrist, "No more bugs."

After roasting the meat, the trio ate in silence. Kzel had to adjust his appetite for the two women. He wanted to eat it all. When a quarter of his hunger was sated, he went and sat on a corner.

"How was the fusion?" Aviree asked, breaking the silence.

"It went well," Cleera answered and threw a dry wood on the fire. She then extended a hand to the flames that didn't burn her skin.

'Magic, huh?' Kzel thought. He then raised a hand and released mana into the air. An empty magic circle appeared.

The two women noticed this. Aviree hurriedly went nearer to Kzel and started tapping a finger at the empty magic circle. A circle appeared within the magic circle and in that smaller circle is a rotating triangle. Aviree then started writing in Eerian letters the arcane word for 'Fire' at the center of the triangle.

The magic circle shattered and flames burst above Kzel's palm but disappeared almost instantly as it appeared.

"That's a shame." Aviree pouted, "You're not of Eerian origin and also not compatible with our form of the Arcane."

"Huh?" Kzel's eyes widened, "So..I can't cast magic unless I inscribed the arcane words only with the' form of writing of my race?"

Aviree thought for a moment but Cleera beat her to it, "Basically~Yes."

Kzel started to ponder for a moment and suddenly disappeared in thin air.

"Where did he go?"

The man in question floated in the Command Space facing Fjora who was startled a bit for the sudden visit.

"Good to see you again, Your Highness." Fjora greeted with a scrutinizing look.

"Do we have any form of magic?" Kzel went straight to the point. He needed to know if Rzirs are just technologically advance and on the peak of mortal evolution.

"Yes. We do," Fjora raised a brow, "But it's only a minor knowledge to our race."

"Can you demonstrate some of it to me?" Kzel excitedly asked.

"Of course." Fjora nodded and gently walked across the foliage for a better view. She was still in Heern and Kzel started to feel guilty, leaving her there alone.

Fjora then proceeded to summon a black magic circle and slowly drew the symbols so Kzel could follow.


Kzel's eyes bulged. The complexity of its design would make a normal mortal's mind to go blank. And why is it categorized as 'Heat'? He had never heard of that. Even the outer layer's designed will torture the brain. He understood now that it is peak magic. And she just called it a minor thing. However, it's only a little thing to memorize if he decreased his Limiter back in the real world.

Fjora swiped the magic circle to the side and started to create another.




"These are the basic forms," The magic circles floated at the fore of Fjora and Kzel almost gouged his eyes. He assumed at first that Rzirs do not have magical properties but was proven wrong.

"Tell me," Kzel said in a shaky voice, "Why do our race think little of magic?"

"Well it's actually very helpful in our societies, " Fjora firmly answered and her fingers produced a clicking sound, "But we manipulate force. With the snap of our fingers, magic disappears in the air."

Kzel laughed fearfully. He had yet to master his force talents and there are only three of them. Magic is a good retreat for now. He had to adapt in this magical realm or he might get outclassed by other players.

"Can you show me our form of writing and all magic you know?"

"I can do better than that!" Fjora extended a hand and willed a large magic circle. A mini version of that magic circle appeared infront of Kzel. "Inject some of your mana into the magic circle."

Kzel did as told. Fjora closed her eyes and when she opened them, Kzel's mind was flooded with informations.

>>Your consciousness received an Information Bubble!<<