LXIV: Convening of Shadows

>>Synchronization Complete!<<

Five figures appeared on a white tiled floor that extended as far as the eye can see.

Three of the figures stood and waited to be acknowledged.

"Shadow Ease," Bane and Ender, the culprits of this emergency meeting, said at the same time.

Hearing the words, the three figures reverted to their natural attitude. The SAG, Gab, summoned a throne and sat on it. He crossed his arms and began to speak his mind, "What's this all about? I'm in the middle of finishing Ka'ampf but had to force log out and immediately log into this private space. Did something happened?"

Upon seeing Gab's creativity, the other four also summoned their own throne and nonchalantly sat. This was not an official military muster but more like a friendly gathering so they can act however they wanted. Still, they unconsciously followed the traditional military protocol in the beginning.