LXXXI: A Glimpse; A Light of Rose (1)

Year 2185 A.D

Lotus Rim, Terraformed Island in the Pacific, Innovator Property


On the vast Pacific Ocean, a massive dome designed to withstand the forces of nature, laid visibly afloat.  Within it, was a city that housed almost ten million people.

Lotus Rim was an Innovator creation, funded by the Rygorant Syndicate.

In this age, the Syndicates had a strong foothold in human society. They are scientifically and industrially powerful due to the countless corporations that composed each one. Their citizens can be basically called 'employees'.

Any scientific breakthroughs are either sold or shared to their fellow Syndicates, to the Coalition or to the Clans.

Unlike the Coalition that inhabited all the continents, the Syndicates owned Terraformed Islands, Orbital Colonies and Space Outposts, serving as hubs for their 'employees'.