CXXXII: Uncovering The Truth

"What are you talking about? There's no way you can hunt monsters to level up without mana." Mika frowned, resting a hand on her waist.

Kzel could only scratch his head and smile awkwardly. He was not aware that it was her when he approached and he asked the very thing that had been on his mind. Thankfully, she had forgotten their encounter in the temple of the Sisters of Love. Now that he thought about it, the sisters recruited Mika. Some visible changes could be seen on her appearance. Her skin seemed to glow like an attractive light.

"Are you here to join Lessi's army?" Mika asked, raising a brow. "I don't know why you've sided with the enemy of the faction of Order, but we're all allies now."

A chuckle escaped Kzel's lips. He had thought wrong.