
Yes! Tia was happy! Why? Let's see....

After the owner left the room, Tia slowly wiped her tears and said,"Hehe... I am not some fool! I got the key to the store room!" There was an old key in her hands. Yes, without a doubt it was the key to the store room where all the foods for the orphans was kept. She slowly went towards the store room, carefully observing her surroundings! She reaches the store room in not more than 2-3 minutes later as it was a bit big orphanage building.

She then saw the key hole in which if the key was put would unlock the treasure room which held a lot of foods for the children. She quickly tries to put the key in the key hole, however fails. Well yes she fails and the reason was she was too tiny. She was only 7 and on top of that her body was weak. She was shorter in height too and couldn't reach the key hole to insert the key!

"What do I do now...? I have the key but can't reach the key hole to open it..." She looks to the right and then to the left to find a small broken wooden chair thrown near the window which was towards her left.

She slowly moves towards the chair and somehow manages to bring it near the door, and then she climbs it and inserts the key. The door too opens and she was happy and goes inside and gets two pieces of bread....

Wait wait! Isn't this going too smoothly? Well yes! That's what even I thought but.... never mind... you will understand why I changed my mind....

Then she slowly took two pieces if bread and was thinking of taking another when she felt a chill running down her spine. She could see a large shadow, taller than herself and so long and black as if it would engulf her in any second. She slowly turned back to find.... to find that the Orphanage Owner was standing behind with the eyes that of a predator! Tia, being quick witted and smart, immediately understood that now she was going to be punished.

The Owner with all her might, rushed forward towards Tia, grabbed her hairs and threw her as if she were a balloon!"Aaaaahhhh...!!!" Tia screamed as she hit the wall due to the force of her throw! The Lady was much more brutal than before and she kept kicking Tia until her anger was decreased. She paused for a moment, maybe out of tiredness.

"Cough cough", Tia was coughing and moaning at the insufferable pain that she was going through! And hence finding a chance, Tia tried to reduce the lady's anger by saying,"You are the prettiest in the world miss... please forgive this useless child!"

However, the situation got worse! Her anger increased instead of decreasing. She slapped her again and again and kept throwing her as if she were a play toy! The lady was furious that day! Not only because of Tia stealing the key and performing this act but also because of her boyfriend dumping her. She vented all her anger on the poor little Tia. And after being completely satisfied, she threw Tia out of the store room, locked the room and went rushingly back to convince her boyfriend. Tia was left helplessly. She kept moaning in pain until she collapsed and lost her consciousness!

30 minutes later...

Tia opened her eyes.... She tried to stand but felt immense pain that was accumulated through constant throwings and bangings. Her cheeks were swollen too... She recalled everything that had happened so far and then..... Smiled.....

What? She smiled again? Why? Why did she smile again?!!! Hehe If you wanna know then do read the next Episode of My Sad Happiness!