Who is She?

The man with all his might carried Tia inside his car and let her rest on his lap.

He ordered the car driver to drive as quickly as possible and on doing so they reached the hospital in 8 minutes duration.

He quickly carried Tia inside while shouting,"Doctor! Doctor! Where the fu** are you? Come here quick!"

The doctor arrived soon in 1 minute and took Tia to the emergency vault.

The driver of the car called other people who were the underlings of the man who carried Tia all the way from the road to the hospital.

Now the man was waiting in the hospital at the waiting section. He was fully tensed and didn't knew what to do. He was just praying continuously for Tia.

His men were shocked to see their boss in this condition. Then they all thought that the girl who was admitted now was someone special to their boss.

"I... I hope that she is alright...."

"Bo- Boss... don't worry, she will be fine.", was what one of the men say said trying to console him.

But this increased his tenseness and he started to walk in the hallway that connected the emergency vault. He was first rushing towards the left and then right and then again left and again right. He was too worried about the poor girl.

He was blaming himself by saying,"Damn... All because of me. If only I wouldn't have told the driver to drive fast at that time, the girl wouldn't have got hurt..."

He was waiting just outside the emergency vault's door when suddenly a doctor came out. He seemed to be the assistant of the Head doctor who had gone inside.

The man couldn't control himself and asked the assistant,"He-hey, is the girl alright?"

The assistant doctor replied by saying, "We are trying our best. The child is in critical condition! We are doing our work. But whether she lives or not, it depends on her will and on God. Pray to the God and hope that she survives!"

The man was angry and suddenly grabbed the assistant's collar...

"What the fu** did you say? Trying your best? I don't want your so called best! Just fu** save her...!!!!!!"

The assistant was terrified. He immediately dropped the bottle of medicine that he was bringing for Tia's treatment and since it was made of fragile glass, it broke and shattered into pieces.

The Head Doctor who was inside the vault heard the noise and immediately came out!

He saw the scene and then shouted,"What the hell are you doing? We are trying to save a life here? Why are you messing with us? You think it's a joke?"

The man was shocked and yet again thought of his mistake that he had done just a second ago.

The Head doctor continued,"Further more on seeing your attitude, I am deciding to not save that child anymore. Go and find a better doctor if you can!"

The man now felt ashamed of his act and his sadness knew no bound. He didn't want that girl to die. Then he suddenly knelt!

Forgive me sir, please save the child. I beg you...

All the men who were seeing him begging dropped down too and begged,"Please...please save the child Doc!"

The doctor was also merciful and listen to their pleading.

He immediately ordered the assistant to get another bottle of medicine. He himself too rushed in to continue operating the girl.

30 minutes later....

The red light that was seen on the sign outside the vault faded away and then green light was lit.

The Head doctor too came out. And as soon as he came, the man rushed by his side and asked,"The girl....."

And even before he could say anything the doctor replied with a smile,"She is safe. There is no threat to her life anymore...."

When the man heard this, he burst into tears and so did all his men....

10 minutes passed.....

Now the boss was in a stable condition too and was kinda happy when one of the members from the gang came and asked,"Boss... can I ask you a question...?"

"Yes.... Ask...."

"Boss... is she... is she your daughter? Or someone that you know?"

"Yes she is....." The boss suddenly paused. He didn't have words to tell anything. He too was shocked and surprised at his act which he performed all this while. He couldn't understand himself and questioned himself,"That girl.... Who is she?"

Hey all, I hope you enjoyed this Chapter. Do read the next episode which I will release tomorrow!