
It reminds him of Alice and him.


His wife called him,

"Is there something wrong?"

She added, glaze still on the twin in the distance.

Suddenly, a flashback of Alice came on his mind, somewhere during the last time he saw her after their graduation, during their break up.

He was nervous as hell, he knew it would be the best for them,

To break up

To keep her away from danger.

No matter how much it pained him.

He knew he have to do it.


"Sho... Todokori.. I'll be fine. You're doing this to protect me.. Right?"

Alice cut him off, and he felt a stinging sensation going on his head.

A sign that Alice on his mind.

That's when he deceives her,

Thinking about painful thoughts that he knew would keep her away,

not knowing she might never come back into him.

'When will this be over?'

'No, I'm doing this so I can finally be with her.'

'Damn, I'm wasting my time here.'

'My family is waitin--'

That time he knew she cut off the mental communication the two of them were having, seeing the pained look written all over her purple iris.

He was hurting too, but he knew he have to do it.

It's for the best.


He answered

"I'm sorry I had to end it like this"

He added, immediately bitting his tongue preventing him from taking back his words when he saw her pained ready to cry look.

"I understand. Don't worry"

"Didn't you have something to tell me before we got here?"

He asked, heterochromia eyes filled in nothing but pain, sadness, and curiosity but that goes unnoticed by Alice, too pained to even saw his pain

"Nevermind, Its nothing serious"

Just when he thought the mental connection was gone,

he heard her voice

'I'm pregnant'

For a moment his eyes went wide.

"Well Todoroki-san, You should get going, Rei-san and Fuyumi-san must be searching for you"

"Alice --"

"I should get going too"

She turns her back from him, for a moment he was reaching out to her, but then doubt fill his head

If she really is pregnant,

Why would Alice hide it from him?

Months after that, no one ever saw her again.

He was pretty stressed out, how cliche that he pushes her away yet he was the first one to go looking for her.

He was lonely without her, Alice had always been his happiness,

That's when Momo came into the scene,

To fill the void left in his heart that was created by no one other than him.

He never stops looking for her, yet he forgot.

Maybe it was the reason why he never stops going to that cafe, because somewhere deep in his heart he knew he will meet Alice again.

And 8 years later he did,

He did meet her again,

Only to lose her for a short period of time.

He had hoped that she would tell him that she love him,

that she still feel the same way he does,

but Alice never did.

Something are better left unsaid, right?

A silent tear roll down his cheeks, heart painfully hammering on his chest.

For the second time on his life, he reaches out, hands going on where the twins are,

Her voice echoing on his mind.

'I'm pregnant'

They're his,

That was what they had.