Attack to Shadora

In the goblin kingdom, Shadora, at the foot of the mountain Kavak, everything goes normal. The hunters come to the borders, carrying preys from every size to fees everyone; the craftsmen create weapons with sticks and stones and clothes with the skins of the dead animals; the chefs prepare the foods the best they can and the kids learn the roles that they like, to imitate them the best when they become adults.

Shadora is not the most prosper kingdom in any way, but goblins have survived well... but they didn't evolve much at all.

The success of the goblin race was to avoid war conflicts, getting only the very necessary from the environment to survive, one generation before another.

For millenniums, goblins made alliances with other primitive races, trying to avoid unnecessary wars that land each side to the edge of extinction (or the absolute extinction).

Thousands of calamities lived in the world in the past, dragons, giant beasts, sea monsters...

Nowadays in Lokran, there is not much about it, humans took over the world and any life being is safe from their thirst for conquest. But there is a legend that says that an ancient dragon lives in the Kavak mountain and his presence granted luck and prosperity to goblins since they almost appeared in the world.

But no one has ever seen that dragon.

The goblin prince, Dolg, has pretty clear what he wants to be when he grows, an adventurer. But no a common adventurer, he wants to be the best ever, so everyone will know his name.

The first that he wants to so is to explore the tunnels of the Kavak mountain to find out the dragon that protects them.

In the top of a valley close to the goblins, a group formed with a hundred adventurers wait patiently to the night.

Between the group there are humans, dwarfs and elves mainly.

In that group stands out the figure of a human woman covered with a silver armor with some purple hues that waddles a bit while she advances before her entourage.

- It seems that this green vermins are ready to die, right, Shang?

A minotaur close to her went a step forward and took a look to the movements of the goblins out of the mountain and answered her without moving his eyes from the goblins.

- They are primitive race, I don't how how could they survive so long in our world.

The human continued speaking after him.

- They resisted the cataclysm produced by the Ancient Cor'suum, they also survived the deluge caused by the three krakens and apparently they survived the big war, recently...

A third person interrupted the human. She was an elf.

- The same war that you humans created, right?

- Do you want to die, stupid?

Says Shang to the elf while brandishing his double-edged axe.

A murmur starts between the humans.

The human woman approaches Shang and calms him by putting his hand in his shoulder.

- Let her talk. I find her words funny.

The elf keeps talking.

- We elves made an alliance with you since we had no more options, you massacre every other race that opposes you, you have no sham-

The human woman unsheathes and opens apart the belly of the elf in a blink.

- Aaaagh...

The elf falls of to the ground almost dead.

Everyone shuts up and look with attention to the bloody sword of the human woman.

- Has someone something to say?

The silence even makes some men back off one step.

- I'm not here to watch how other races conspire against us and hates us in the shadows. If you don't want to rule the world in our side, I'll sit pleased in your corpses, you garbage.

The laments of the elf broke the silence.

- Agh... Ahhh!

Everyone stays muted. The words of the woman caused commotion.

- I'm speaking to you, dwarfs, elves, minotaurs, centaurs, don't forget that you are allied races and your lifes are only worth if you serve us. Just one stupidity and I'll tear your head off with my bare hands. Some of you are worth more as carpets.

- And some bitches like you serve more on your knees to your sir, Brilda.

Said the elf while spitting some blood out of her mouth.

The ambient was now different. The human, Brilda, was watching the elf with her mouth wide open, with a big smile. That grin of her face inspired true terror for those who watched it.

Brilda got closer to the elf, spitted in the large wound of the elf's belly and then she stepped on her hand.

- Ahhh... You human whore... Some day you'll pay of for what you've done to the world, there is still hop-

She didn't even finish that sentence and Brilda already nailed her sword in her head and turned the sword, killing the elf in an instant. In one go, she drew the sword and a lot of blood came out from the skull of the elf. Brilda stomped the skull of the elf, destroying it and staining her own boot with blood.

- In half an hour we attack, be prepared.

The entire platoon stood up straight in front of Brilda and saluted her.

Some minutes passed and goblins stopped their normal productive activities of the day and went to sleep in the mountain.

The platoon has divided and now it has positioned itself in a different way. A dwarf makes a report of the positioning of the units.

- Assassins are in their spots, warriors are ready at the front, hunters already positioned, wizards ready. Everyone is ready, Brilda. Make the signal to start when you please.

- You better remember this well, scumbags, I want every little green bugger in there dead, dismembered, butchered... I want them to supplicate, don't let anyone alive... And I also remind you that the first blood is mine.

After saying all that, Brilda made a hand signal and the troops started walking.

The assassins were already on the holes of the goblins. The tanks were about to enter the caves followed by the rest, then Brilda spotted a kid goblin awake, looking at them.

Brilda closed the mouth of the goblin carefully so he could not make any noise, and then she whispered, slowly and calmy just like a mother would do with her child...

- I've got a suprise for you all, but if you want it to remain as a surprise, you have to keep your mouth shut, Okey?

The kid goblin tried to free himself from Brilda's hand, but he wasn't strong enough.

- Have you enjoyed your last breath, you vermin?

Brilda nailed the sword in the goblin enough times to make a hole through the goblin that allowed to see behind it.

- Kill everyone, I don't want any of them alive!

That last sentence was so loud that created a powerful echo in all the mountain. The goblins began to awake.