The awakening of the king

Ten years passed and Dolg woke up. He was still in that narrow passageway, sitting, wearing Brilda's armor. There was no sign of the dragon.

Little by little, Dolg emerged from the cave, contemplating that the destruction that the humans had generated and that which could have been caused by the dragon's fire, could hardly be perceived.

- How long have I been sleeping? It seems that no one has ever lived in these caves.

Dolg kept going until he reached the surface, the sun blinded him for a few minutes, but soon he started walking away from what was once his home.

- I don't feel hungry or tired, but I really want to fight.

Dolg walked away from what had once been his home, not looking back, ready to find some trace of intelligent life.

Night fell, Dolg found a great inn and went inside for the night. Inside he found many humans and beings of other races, most of them adventurers.

- Hello, I would like to spend the night here.

- Are you a goblin? No one has seen one for a decade.

Said the innkeeper.

- Can I stay the night here or not?

- Relax a bit... If you can pay you can be here as long as you want, be careful with the other guests.

- Why?

- I already told you, you are a goblin, rare beings are worth a lot of money today. Also, a goblin is worth much more for being a goblin.

- What do you mean?

Suddenly, a noisy being appeared through the door, it looked like a mummy, since its entire body was covered with bandages.

- Good! I am looking for a group of adventurers with whom to make great riches, a volunteer to join me?

- Don't you ever get tired of coming here, Kerom? No one wants to join you, much less now that there are hardly any missions available.

- I could give up, yes, but then I would not have the possibility to dominate the world!

- Ah, here we go...

Said the innkeeper, in a muffled tone.

Kerom went to all the tables to ask if anyone wanted to join him, but no one was there for the labor.

- Who is that?

Dolg asked the owner.

- He is Kerom, we believe that he is an Ancient, you know, one of those extravagantly shaped beings that live for thousands of years and are extremely powerful.

- But he doesn't seem that strong...

- That is what strange us all, he seems weak and is quite persistent with what he seeks, almost bordering on stupidity.

- I'd say he's a complete idiot.

- It could be... Well, do you have the money?

- How much is it?

- A gold coin a night, little one.

Dolg had a few gold coins that he found in a small backpack tied around his belt.

- Here you are.

Dolg said, handing the woman a coin.

- Thank you, here you have the keys to your room, have a good night!

When Dolg went to his room, Kerom went to the bar to speak to the owner.

- Is that little boy what I think he is?

- If you want to talk to him or whatever, you have to wait, he's gone to sleep.

- Of course, I'll wait whatever it takes, I have all the time in the world.

Kerom left the inn and waited outside, he seemed very happy. The bandages that covered his entire body barely showed the eye that was in the middle of his face, totally red, without a pupil.

From his room, Dolg could see Kerom, sitting, playing with some sticks and some stones.

Dolg tried to sleep for half an hour, but was unable to fall asleep, so he took a breath outside.

- Hello.

Dolg said to Kerom.

- Good evening, little one, how are you?

- Fine, but I'm not going to sleep.

- It is normal not to be able to sleep if something torments you or if you have slept enough, you know?

- Then I think I already know why I can't sleep.

There was a brief silence that Kerom broke.

- You're a goblin, right?

- Yes

- It has been a long time since I´ve seen any goblin outside of Shadora.

- Shadora no longer exists.

- I know. Humans besieged your city ten years ago. Everybody knows it...

- Is there any race other than humans?

- Yes, the dwarves and elves allied with them the first, some races such as minotaurs, centaurs and fairies joined them later.

- And some of the last survivors of the remaining races joined them, right?

- Yes, to avoid dying in vain. There are no cities to protect or allies to fight for, humans control everything.

- I'm not sure about that, there must have been some races still going against them.

- Yes there were, after the fall of Shadora, humans ended the last race that resisted them, the kobolds.

- Did any survive?

- Apparently more than you, about a dozen.

- And they didn't join the humans?

- No, they fled to different places in the world, to survive. All except one.

- What about that one?

- That one fights against humans, he has already attacked two cities. When humans besieged Ratamorium, the kobold city, the little kobold grew up and went to destroy a human city.

- How?

- No one knows how a kobold can be so strong, nor so big. After destroying that city, he stayed for five years defending it from the humans who tried to drive him out of there. When the human attacks stopped, he went to another city and did the same.

- So if the accounts do not fail me, that kobold will move again soon, right?

- Everything points to it, the question is which city.

- It would be good to be allied with someone like that, I want to take revenge on humans.

- I think we all want that, little one.

- With the success you have among adventurers, I don't think you can do much.

- It is because that is not my destiny... When someone lives as long as I do, they know well what is the meaning of their existence.

- And the meaning of your life is...?

- Ally with you and a few more outlaws and take over the world.

- You're an Idiot.

- Yes, but I'm right.

- Yeah...

- I'm an Ancient, you know?

- That's what I was told.

- And do you know what that means?

- No. Well yeah, you're a weird guy.

- Yes, but the main thing is that I belong to one of the most powerful races that exist.

- But you seem very weak.

- I am.

- So?

- My power grows the stronger my allies are.

- Is that your power?

- Yes, each Ancient has a unique power of its own, mine is that.

- If that is so, it´s not in your interest to ally with me.

- I thought just the opposite.

- How?

- You think you are weak but you have never struggled. With the armor you are wearing and your thirst for revenge, you could become quite strong.

- It´s possible... my name is Dolg, by the way.

- I´m Kerom, delighted.

- If I can sleep, tomorrow morning I will look for the kobold.

- You won't be able to sleep, believe me. Will you let me accompany you?

Dolg thought for a moment.

- If you answer one thing, you can come.

- Isn't it enough to show you the way?

- I can ask other people, you know?

- Okay, okay, tell me what you want.

- The innkeeper told me that we goblins are unique for something, do you know what she was talking about?

- You are quite strange beings, even more remaining only you.

- I know that, tell me more.

- At the beginning you were greedy, you were looking for war, death and destruction were in your blood. After that you became peaceful, although I cannot imagine how you could do such a thing taking into account the way in which you reproduce.

- How do we reproduce?

- Didn't your father tell you? No, better, I change the question, have you had a mother?

- No, I don´t remember a mother.

- Your mother would probably be close to you and you wouldn't identify her.

- Why?

- Because there are no female goblins, goblins reproduce with females of other races, giving rise to more goblins. Your genes have a component that prioritizes them, so you cannot give rise to hybrids, if a goblin has children, for sure...

Dolg interrupted Kerom.

- Children will be more goblins. This means that a single goblin is enough to repopulate the species.

- Exactly, you understood, in addition, you need two months to learn to speak and one year to reach adulthood. If any human managed to get you to have a child, they could master it and create their own army of little green goblins.

- And how long do we live?

- About thirty years at most.

- I have fifteen, counting the ten years of sleeping...

- It doesn´t matter your age, if everything goes well, you will be able to live as long as you want.

- What?

- We´ll take over the world, remember?

- You're crazy... But hey, you're partly right. Probably our race would survive thanks to the females of other allied races.

- It makes a lot of sense.

- Yeah...

After that conversation, Dolg and Kerom had two minutes in silence, after that time, Dolg went to try to sleep. Half an hour later, Dolg came out again. Kerom looked very happy.

- Have you already realized that you can't sleep?

- Shut up and let's go find the kobold...

- Yes, finally I have an adventure partner!

- I didn't say that, you're going to come with me and that's it.

- And then I'll stay with you and we'll be great friends!

- What you say, come on, get up and walk.

- The city is about three hours from here on foot.

- Well, that´s it, let´s walk.