(The episode opens with Hulk and Kanisha facing each other)
Hulk: You sure you want to do this?
Kanisha: (cracks her knuckles) (looks determined) Absolutely
(Kanisha picks up Hulk)
Hulk: Whoa! You did it
Kanisha: I did, (throws Hulk into the air that reaches into the clouds) woohoo
(The Hulk screams, while falling back from the clouds)
Kanisha (shocked): Oops!
(Kanisha flies into the air, grabs the Hulk by his foot, and heads back down)
Kanisha (looking at Hulk): Are you okay? I am so sorry
Hulk (smiles): That was awesome, for a normal-sized person you are strong like Hercules and you were able to catch me too
Kanisha (shocked): You aren't mad?
Hulk: No, you see I have trained myself not to get mad at friends very easily, anyway can we see what else can you do?
Kanisha (smiles): There is something I want to try
(Kanisha picks Hulk up and starts moving at super speed, then end up in the desert)
Kanisha (jumping like a rabbit): I did it! I did it!
Hulk: Congratulations
(Kanisha puts The Hulk down)
Kanisha: So, you want to go somewhere to eat?
Hulk: Sure, but this may not be easy
Kanisha: Right, your appearance (lightbulb appears above her head) I have an idea
(Kanisha opens a portal and takes Hulk's hand and they walk into the portal)
(The Hulk and Kanisha enter a town with a bunch of Hulk-like creatures and elf people are walking around, they also are eating together, etc)
Kanisha (smiles): Welcome to Bronzehelm, a home of all kinds of people and creatures
Hulk: Cool
A red Hulk-like creature: Sup
Hulk: Hey
An elf: Hi
Kanisha: How do you do?
(The screen shows Kanisha and Hulk walking into a restaurant)
An elf woman (smiles): Would you like a seat in the back, the middle, front, any is available
Kanisha: Well, Hulk, your choice
(The Hulk looks around and looks at a table in the middle with a big seat and a middle-sized seat put together)
Hulk (looks at the elf woman): The middle
The elf woman (types on the computer): Got it
(The Hulk and Kanisha sits down)
The elf woman: So, what can I get you?
(Kanisha and the Hulk looks at the menu)
Kanisha (looking at the menu): I will have one salad, mushroom soup, and for a drink strawberry smoothie
The elf woman (writing on the notebook): Alright (looks at the Hulk) and you?
The Hulk: The fried chicken special
The elf woman (writing on a notebook): Okay, but you saw the size of the chicken right?
The Hulk: Yes, and I would like special sauce
The elf woman: No drink
The Hulk: Lemonade
The elf woman (writing on the notebook): Got it, I'll be back
(The elf woman speeds away)
Kanisha: (blinks) (looks at the Hulk) Seems people don't order that special
The Hulk: Weird, it looks delicious
Kanisha (looks at the menu): It does, but it's too big for me
(The screen switches to a gray Hulk bringing a giant chicken with hot sauce on it, lemonade, and drops it on the table on Hulk's side)
(An elf waitress brings the salad, strawberry smoothie, and the mushroom to Kanisha on her side of the table)
Waiter and waitress: Enjoy
Kanisha and the Hulk: Thank you
(The waiter and the waitress walk away)
(Kanisha and the Hulk starts eating)
Kanisha (thought) (looking at the chicken): Dang that is really big
Hulk (thought) (looks at Kanisha's mushroom soup): They have actually mushrooms in the soup
Kanisha (thought) (looking at the mushrooms in her soup): They look poisonous, but it actually have substances of sushi
(Kanisha eats the mushroom soup)
Kanisha (thought): It tastes like sushi and mushrooms had a baby
(Hulk eats big pieces of the chicken)
Hulk (thought): This sauce is like hot sauce mixed with sweet and sour sauce
(They smile at each other as they eat together)
(The screen switches to Kanisha and Hulk walking out of the restaurant)
The owner: Come back anytime
Kanisha: We will
Hulk: Yeah
The owner: What a cute couple
(Kanisha and The Hulk blushes)
(They head to the mountains)
Hulk: What are we doing here?
Kanisha: I know I can control the elements, so I want to try controlling a large amount of rock
Hulk: Like levitating
Kanisha: I guess you could call it that, you can smash some rocks
(Kanisha's eyes glow and a giant boulder levitates)
(Hulk is smashing rocks in the background)
(Kanisha traces on the rock and smashes into pieces)
(They look at the broken rocks around them, then look at each other and laughs)
(The screen switches to Hulk and Kanisha lying in the grass)
Hulk: What is it like to have all that power?
Kanisha: Scary, especially since I barely know all my powers and I can feel this dark aura trying to break free
Hulk: That is scary, You know I am scared of myself as well, well I was because the anger in me would be impossible to control and it didn't help the strength I was given
Kanisha: Wow, I can imagine that, how did you control it?
Hulk: I thought about my past life and why I was living a happy life and how that can still happen
Kanisha: That's beautiful
Hulk: What about you?
Kanisha: Well, I think that I have friends and they care about me
Hulk: Do you consider me a friend?
Kanisha: Of course
(Kanisha hugs Hulk)
(Hulk looks like he is being squeezed)
(The screen shows Hulk and Kanisha coming through the portal and appears in front of the mansion)
Kanisha: Well, this was fun
Hulk: Yeah
(The portal closes)
(Episode ends with them walking into the mansion)