Part 9 (Texting/Real Life)

Fangs' POV

I knocked on Toni's door. She answered pretty quickly and was wearing a Southside serpents hoodie with her leggings and a shirt tied around her waist. Her eyes were all red and puffy so I assumed she had been crying. I would be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to her but I love Kevin and her love life is a bit hard to explain. I imidiatly wrapped her in a hug and dragged her to her couch. I crossed my legs and moved her so that she was opposite me then she copied my action.

"You ok?" I asked sincerely. She looked me in the eyes and I saw once more that vulnerable side of Toni. She was broken inside but never let anyone see it. Toni shook her head inresponce.

"Do you want me to get you anything to eat?" She shook her head again

"Do you just want to cuddle?" She nodded her head slowly as I opened up my arm for her to climb into. I held her close and whisper sweet nothings into her ear. After a while her breathing evened out and she was asleep. I didn't want to push her for answers but I knew that she wouldn't tell me on her own. After about half an hour of watching Harry Potter I got a text from the serpent chat

*serpent chat*

Jug: Guys meet me at the Whyte Wyrm immediately. We have news on when the Ghoulie atack is going to be and FP wants to prepare us

Fangs: I don't think Toni will be able to come though

Sweets: I will be there. I'm on my way now

Sweets left the chat

Jug: She needs to be there

Fangs: She's asleep and not mentally stable at the moment Jughead. It's not safe, and I can't leave her alone. She isn't the mindset to do anything. Toni has that look in her eye. The look behind all the vulnerability. She will do something reckless Jughead and you know it

Jug: Fine. She can stay but you two are Sweets' responsibility. However, she is your responsibility.

Fangs: That's ok. I can deal with that

Jug: fangs, she's gonna have to be there for the fight, you do know that don't you?

Fangs: I do Jug! But I don't want her to get hurt

Jug: She won't. Remember what she did to Chuck and his Bulldog friends. She can fend for herself

Fangs: I know.

Jug: Good

Fangs left the chat

Jug left the chat