Part 20 (Texting/ Real Life)

Jug's pov

I arrive at the speak easy and find the whole thing shut down, I've never seen it like this, so empty and isolated. I call out for Betty's name to later find no reply, the place isn't that big she can't be far.

I hear heavy shoes against the floor behind me, and of course, I turn round to find those DM's that i know so well, Jelly Bean

me: JB, what are you doing here, have you seen Betty?

JB: I know where Betty is but I'm not telling you

me: What do you mean you're not telling me?

JB: you betrayed Penny, you banished her from the only thing that made her have purpose, she was a serpent once and you took that from her, i thought you were better than that Jug!

me:Of course Penny involved you in this, only a woman as cruel and cold- hearted would involve an innocent young girl like you JB, that's what she does, she's a monster Jelly Bean, don't let her screw with you

JB: you're the only one screwing with people Jug Head, you took something precious from her so we're taking something precious from you, Betty

*there's only one thing that would cause JB to act this way*

Me: How much?And who?

JB: what?

Me: How much did she offer you? And who did she threaten?

JB: ooo cleaver Jug, finally he's worked something out!

me: Jelly bean

*I can feel my voice shaking, my throat closing up, choking with tears, how could Penny do this?*

me: How much money did she offer to pay you and who did she threaten ?

*I can see it in her eyes, i've broken through to her, Penny's threatened someone she loves in order for JB to hide and threaten to take Betty*

*her eyes tear up with a glossy layer and her lips tremble*

JB: she threatened to kill dad

*she says crying in fear and hands shaking*

me: It's okay, no ones going to hurt dad, don't let her get in your head, come her J

*I open my arms to her and pull her in tight, i can feel her warm tears against my t-shirt*

JB: that shirt is not clean is it?

*she swats my chest gently and we chuckle lightly together*

JB: she's in the rum cellar

me: This place has a rum cellar? Wow Roni really went full out on this one didn't she?!

I leave my sister sitting in the one of the booths of Pops to allow my girlfriend and i a romantic time to reunite without my little sisters judgement. As i open the door to the rum cellar my heart pounds as i see blood smeared across Betty's cheek, her perfect ponytail is slanted and she seems weak

me: Betty?

B:Jug? is that you?

*her eyes are hardly open, her eyelids heavy*

*I run towards her and pick her up, holding her in my arms*

B: Jug! Jelly Bean, she's in trouble, Penny's making her..

me: I know, don't worry she's safe now

*even when she's battered and bleeding, she's still concerned for other, that's what i love about her*

I lightly kiss her forehead as I feel her falling asleep in my arms already when walking up the stairs, she twitches slightly and she forces a smile to show her appreciation.