Everything I ever knew was a lie

Our relationship was built on a foundation of lies and I was too blinded by this stupide emotion call love that I didn't realize I was being played, strung along like a fucking guitar.

I should have been smarter, wiser. For God's sake, I'm in the race for valedictorian and yet I couldn't see what was right in front of me.

 After our encounter with Patricia and the conversation I heard at the diner, I had my suspicions that he was keeping secrets from me. I just didn't know what it was. But now that I know the severity of it all, I've come to a realization:

I am stupid.

Plain. Fucking. Stupid.

''Bob Stewart has been under investigation for having affiliations with the mafia.'' Detective Anderson puts it bluntly. ''Of course, we don't know the severity of his ties, but he's a prime suspect and we've been keeping a close eye on him.''