''Sophie!'' I call loudly as I make my way downstairs. Leather jacket in arm and Uggs in hand, I rush downstairs and into the living room where I find her sitting down with headphones in her ear, bopping her head up and down to some loud music which I can hear from where I am standing which is in front of her with my arms crossed and eyes narrowed.

She slowly removes the headphones after noticing my presence. ''May I help you?''

''I've been calling you for ages. Is mum home?''

''No. But she did call to say she'd be back in two hours.''

''Cool.'' I settle on the couch next to her and stick my right foot in my Uggs. ''I'm going shopping because school is starting tomorrow.'' Can you believe it? I certainly can't because it seems like yesterday when my family and I were ringing in the New Year and now it's the 14th. Time really does fly.

''Do you want anything?''
