''You're quiet,'' Jason observes, his hands poised on the leather steering wheel as we zoom past the other cars. One thing about a Veyron, it's fucking fast and with the roads being freer than an empty parking lot, let's just say I think he's going past the speed limit.

But I don't mind.

''Why aren't you mad at me?''

Judging from the expression on his face, my question caught him off guard. ''Do you want me to be mad at you?''

A little. ''Yes,'' I answer. He gives me a weird look then turns his attention back to the road. ''I mean no.''

''I'm really not following, Princess.''

I need to be more articulate when I'm around him. ''What I'm trying to say is why are you being so…normal to me after I said no that night at my house?'' When a girl blows a guy off after they were all over each other, I'm pretty sure they don't react like Jason and pretend that everything is dandy.