After a relaxing warm bath to calm myself down, I get started on doing some reading before Mum calls me for dinner. I've been squeezing time in my busy schedule to read for the SAT's because it's in two months. I've also been trying to improve on my Maths capabilities. I bought this book online, SAT Maths for Dummies-quite fitting if you ask me because I need Maths dummed down to a level that I understand and the book does that just fine. That book and I would get along just fine.

I also made an investment in a couple of other books too along with watching videos on Youtube about how people got a perfect score. PS: Indians on Youtube are really smart. They explain things to a level that even the teachers don't cross. 

I didn't clock into work today because Aunty Fiona said she's not opening the bakery  because Uncle J needs her attention right now. Old age is a bitch, really it is. It comes with so much pain and weird illnesses like Alzheimers and dementia.