Friday comes around all too quickly, making the rest of the week feel like a blur, mostly because the dance is next week and Paris wouldn't shut about it. 

She's not the only one that won't shut up about it.

Almost all the girls at school can't contain their excitement about where they would shop to get their 'Sadie Lewks.' I've heard a lot more high end brand names this week alone than I've heard in my entire life. Also, I've seen a lot of them ask their crush/significant other to the dance in the halls of the school. They turned it into such a spectacle that I was starting to wonder if we were in a circus. Of course, the girls aren't clowns but some of them might as well be the next best thing because some got rejected…in public.

Embarrassment in front of the whole school is social suicide, something you may or may not be able to recover from and being rejected by your crush is just rubbing salt in the wound.