''Have you heard from Phaedra?'' Paris asks as we walk to lunch together. Well, it's more like I'm dragging her to the lunch hall. I am so hungry I could eat a horse. I had only a bite of an apple for breakfast because I was running late and that extended to Sophie. I had her in school by 8:00am sharp and came in five minutes late to first period because of the early morning rush. Theo even got to school earlier than I did.

I got a firm reprimand from Mr Finkle about tardiness which is a plus for me because the old bat didn't hand me a detention slip. I'd rather listen to him lecture me in front of the class than spend an hour and a half with him in a room.

Note to self: Never binge watch baby cats on Youtube when you have school in the morning.

''You're closer to Easton that's why I'm asking.''