
''This is so fucked up.''

I rummage through the box again and dump the contents on her bed. Sifting through a bunch of documents and more photos, an orange file catches my attention. I open it and grab the first thing I see. What I find shocks me again. 

Theodore Clayton James. 


His picture is staring at me right in the face and I'm all shades of confused. What has he got to do with all this? Scrunching my eyebrows, I withdraw another paper which happens to have his profile. 

It's unmistakable. It's him.

Police Officer. Twenty-five. Member of the ATF. Six-foot-two. Born in Austin, Texas. Member of the Texan Police Department.

Theo is a fucking cop?!

''Today just keeps getting better and better,'' I grunt.

My gut was correct after all, he isn't her step-brother. But, if he's a cop, why is he posing as a student in Bridgewood? Moreso, what does he have to do with Mel?